The Limited Times

In rich countries, health remains the priority

4/16/2020, 7:10:54 PM

SURVEY - According to a Kantar survey in the G7 countries, the economic impact of the epidemic worries but does not undermine adherence to containment.

From one world to another. One month after the introduction of a new containment, its economic consequences are felt in full force in the G7 countries. According to a Kantar * survey conducted between April 9 and 13 in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, 37% of the population has lost some of its income and 16% saw them cut in half. However, a large majority of respondents continue to approve of the costly measures put in place to combat the virus.

Social distancing, travel restrictions, closing of restaurants and limiting visits to the elderly: 42% consider these constraints appropriate and 44% consider that they do not go far enough. A small majority of the sample also predicted that normal life will not resume its course in six months. "Public opinion in the G7 countries clearly continues to prioritize health imperatives" , observes Emmanuel

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