The Limited Times

Solidays canceled: out of solidarity, internet users are still buying tickets

4/16/2020, 6:10:08 PM

Even if the festival will not take place, several hundred people wanted to buy tickets to support Solidarité Sida.

“It's a first to open and sell tickets for a canceled festival! It's completely crazy and it looks like us, "laughs Luc Barruet, organizer of the musical and charitable event Solidays. Anticipating the ban on gatherings until mid-July, the patron of the festival, which was to be held from June 19 to 21, at the Longchamp racecourse (Paris XVI), announced to us this Sunday that the event would be canceled. . Calling at the same time for a surge of solidarity so that the organization can continue its many actions in the fight against AIDS.

It has been heard! "As of Monday, it was internet users who asked us to reopen the ticket office that we had just closed," says the festival's patron. I did a Twitter survey to find out if it was a good idea and the subscribers to the festival account answered yes. So we did it on the sly and it worked! In a few hours, we had sold more than 500! It's incredible ! "

Success of the online store of derivative products

Another message of support for festival-goers: the merchandising shop, understand derivative products on the Internet, make a strong point. “Again, that surprised us, but we are super happy, the Solidays sweaters, T-shirts and other accessories are selling super well. It's really fun ”

Another relief, the State, via the various ministries which contributed financially to the festival, also responded to the organization which helps associations in 22 countries. "We also had excellent news because the Ministries of Culture, Health and Youth as well as the town hall of Paris certified us that they maintained their subsidies, it feels good. It doesn't solve all financial problems of course, but it gives us a lot of strength. Our call for solidarity has been heard. "

While behind the scenes, the Solidarité Sida team is working to find the 32 million euros, an amount equivalent to the shortfall due to the cancellation of the 2020 edition, another deadline arrives. The ticket refund procedure which will start in early May.

Again, to support the actions of the festival, Luc Barruet asked spectators not to be reimbursed to continue supporting Solidays. One way to be able to maintain a substantial cash flow. The festival had already sold 228,000 tickets. It remains to be seen whether many will keep their places.