The Limited Times

"Coronavirus: the old man and the expert"

4/17/2020, 6:28:37 PM

The editorial of Figaro, by Vincent Trémolet de Villers.

Let us recognize it: the ballet of white coats - researchers, scientists, counselors, scholars - makes us dizzy. Figures, studies, assessments fall in cascade for conclusions more and more uncertain. "We know definitively, informed, randomized, that on this virus we don't know much ..." A very Socratic modesty which, unfortunately, does not annihilate authoritarian pretensions.

Thus, Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the Scientific Council after having been president of the National Ethics Committee, spoke before the senators with accents of President of the Republic. He unceremoniously sorted the good grain of the deconfines of the tares (18 million French people) of vulnerable people condemned to stay at home longer. His words echoed those of Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, who advocated the confinement of the over 70s until Christmas. This infinite quarantine would dehumanize a little

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