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A sad topic arises at zoos: emergency slaughter in the corona crisis

4/17/2020, 8:40:15 PM

Zoos bring existential hardship to the corona crisis in Germany. Some are now thinking aloud about emergency slaughter. 

Zoos bring existential hardship to the corona crisis in Germany. Some are now thinking aloud about emergency slaughter. 

  • The corona crisis * also makes many zoos to create
  • The Frankfurt Zoo enjoys huge popularity in the corona crisis
  • An animal park in Schleswig-Holstein does not rule out emergency animals to slaughter

Update from Friday, April 17th, 2020, 2:14 p.m .:  There is also good news in the Corona crisis. The Frankfurt Zoo is happy about a lot of encouragement in the pandemic. "We find that we have a large number of supporters who are contacting us," said spokeswoman Christine Kurrle.

In particular, the number of sponsorships at Frankfurt Zoo has increased significantly, according to Kurrle. Much more than usual at Easter and in the previous months. "We receive many letters, many questions about how the employees and the animals are doing."

Unfortunately, she could not yet say when the Frankfurt Zoo would open again. "We are waiting desperately for official announcements." The current situation is painful financially, but "We are dependent on the city budget," said Kurrle. Therefore, the situation is less tense than with an association or a GmbH.

Zoos and botanical gardens in Hesse remain closed

Update from Thursday, April 16, 2020, 3:20 p.m .: Zoos, botanical gardens and museums must initially remain closed in the Corona crisis in Hesse

The extension of the measures against the spread of the virus was a major blow to the director of the Kronberg Opel Zoo , Thomas Kauffels. "We made preparations for opening up to last night," said Kauffels on Thursday. In the course of the easing, which the federal and state governments discussed, there was still a possible opening date on April 20. But the zoos still have to make do without visitor revenue. 

Frankfurt Zoo: emergency slaughter in the corona crisis? Not with us

Kauffels explains that a zoo has hardly any taxable costs. Only larger investments could be postponed. The costs for the staff and the care of the animals are not taxable. The whole situation in the Corona crisis could not be planned, especially as long as it was not foreseeable when the zoos could open their gates to the public again. But in retrospect, you have to see how to get the zoos back on their feet, Kauffels emphasized. The Opel Zoo did not want to comment on the emergency plans of the Neumünster Zoo

Frankfurt Zoo: Corona crisis for zoo's existential threat

First message from Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 : Frankfurt - vacation time is trip time. Put the children in the car, leave your own four walls behind and go to the zoo , the adventure pool or the amusement park. Actually. Because the corona crisis is currently preventing all of this. 

The strict corona measures pose an existential threat, especially for zoos in Germany . Operation must continue inside while the gates remain closed. Electricity and water flow as always, the animals need their feed, keepers cannot simply do their job, they have to continue to take care of the animal residents and of course continue to be paid for it. But the longer a zero is emblazoned on the revenue side, the more difficult it becomes.

Because of Corona: Zoo in Schleswig-Holstein is considering emergency slaughter of animals

A zoo from Schleswig-Holstein is therefore now forced to take a measure that is highly controversial. Tierpark Neumünster has drawn up emergency plans due to the corona crisis , which also deal with the slaughter of animals . The zoo is in an existential crisis, says park manager Verena Caspari. "We currently have funds that would bring us around mid-May," explains the zoo director. The zoo had received numerous donations from farmers and private individuals, including feed. 

Zoo: Food for predators is missing in the corona crisis

Apparently, it is primarily food for herbivores. In the  zoo  in Neumünster but also predators that lots of meat and fish life destroy. What if the  zoo  can no longer get enough food for them? "If I run out of money to buy feed, or if it should happen that my feed supplier can no longer deliver due to new restrictions - I would  slaughter animals to feed other animals," explains Caspari. However, this is the "all worst, worst case".

It is nothing new that animals are slaughtered in the Neumünster zoo so that they can be fed to the carnivores. However , the number could increase due to the corona pandemic . "Then you would have to think about bringing more animals into the slaughter to make the predators survive," says Zoo Chief Caspari.
What a terrible idea

- Tanja stays at home! (@ Tanja1887) April 15, 2020

Slaughter zoo animals for corona? Is “out of the question” in Frankfurt

An alternative would be to move the hungry carnivores to other animal parks. However, that is easier said than done. For example, in the case of the polar bear Vitus, which at almost 700 kilograms is one of the largest of its kind in Germany. "If things get really tough here and the zoo has to be dismantled, I can't just put it in a box and transport it somewhere else," says zoo director Caspari about the father of the polar bear Knut from the Berlin Zoo, who died in 2011 and died in Berlin *. Eisbär-Papa Vitus is "a big predator, for which you need an adequate system".

For the Zoo Frankfurt *, emergency slaughter is excluded. "No no no. That is out of the question, ”emphasizes Zoo spokeswoman Christine Kurrle on request. She does not want to evaluate how other zoos handle the corona situation. 

Smaller animals such as pygmy goats are sometimes slaughtered for feeding at Frankfurt Zoo. However, that happens "in close coordination with the veterinary authorities", says Kurrle, "and our visitors know that too". Extending the slaughter - in an emergency - to other groups of animals is “ no scenario at all conceivable for Frankfurt Zoo ”.  

Frankfurt Zoo would try to accommodate animals

And could Frankfurt take  animals from other facilities? "Of course we would try to support, but it is a complex matter," emphasizes Christine Kurrle. As a rule, animals would have to be quarantined for 30 days after being relocated so that they would not carry any diseases to the new zoo. Transport is also a major logistical effort. "There are a lot of people moving from A to B, which is why you are very careful at the moment."

Verena Caspari hopes that all of these measures will not have to take place at the Neumünsteraner Zoo . Other animal parks had promised to send fish and meat "if the worst case would happen here". 

By Manuel Schubert (with dpa)

The Frankfurt Zoo is also at a standstill because of the corona crisis *. The animals feel that too. The Opel Zoo in Kronberg is hit just as hard because of Corona *.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © Arne Dedert / dpa