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Change of job: a matter of the head or do you make your gut decisions?

4/17/2020, 2:04:32 PM

You are interested in a new job offer, but you still don't know whether you should apply? A career counselor knows what to do.

You are interested in a new job offer, but you still don't know whether you should apply? A career counselor knows what to do.

  • Would a new job be better than the previous job *?
  • If you have an offer, the decision is not always easy.
  • A career trainer gives tips on what to consider.

Job change yes or no? Career coach gives tips

Be honest : Let's say you have a lucrative  job offer or someone wants to find you a job that you don't find too bad. Would you therefore quit your current job *? As diverse as the circumstances of life * may be for each individual, the question of changing jobs * certainly concerns many people.

What are the advantages and disadvantages ? And what would change in the end if you change jobs? In a guest post on Spiegel Online, career consultant Carmen Michaelis gives some tips and decision-making aids.

Among other things, she advises: "Think and investigate from large to small. Take a sheet of paper and ask yourself, detached from your job:

  • How do i want to live
  • What is essential for me to live a full life?
  • What am I good at and do I enjoy doing?
  • What are my potentials and how and where can I best use them? "

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Work-life balance: what does the new employer offer?

This is a first basis for making good decisions  , the experts write in the article, "because you assume your general needs and premises".

As a next step, she advises, among other things: "Now clarify in more detail what exactly constitutes a job that satisfies you. You can take on various aspects here:

  • Activity and content
  • Sense of work
  • Salary and social benefits
  • Working hours / work-life balance
  • Career / further education
  • place
  • Company type and size. "

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Be satisfied with your job: new tasks can help

New opportunities , tasks or projects could also open up in the current job . The tip: tell the boss what you want. In the article on Spiegel Online, the career consultant also recommends: "Think about how you can break through or replace routines. For example: giving up old tasks, new ways of working, changing the daily structure."

Other options should always be kept in mind. One more piece of advice: "You don't have to jump right away. If an offer sounds really good, you can enter the application process without obligation. What can happen?" "Throwing the hat into the ring at an attractive job does not mean leaving it there," emphasizes the career consultant. "After careful consideration, find that it's not what you want, you can just pull it back."

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