The Limited Times

Greece: clashes between police and neo-Nazis wanting to celebrate Easter despite the virus

4/17/2020, 8:31:26 PM

Clashes between Greek police and supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party on Friday attempted to organize a Good Friday procession, despite the prohibition of any religious gathering as part of the restrictions measures due to the epidemic of Covid-19.

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Police said around 70 people gathered on Friday evening outside the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Korydallos, a suburb of Athens, responding to a call made online by Ilias Panagiotaros, a former deputy of Golden Dawn. Activists gathered demanded that priests complete the traditional candlelight procession through the streets. The police tried to disperse them, but neo-Nazi sympathizers responded by throwing firecrackers. The police arrested 18 people.

Easter is the most celebrated religious holiday in Greece and churches usually record their peak attendance there. Authorities had banned church gatherings and traditional family gatherings during the festivities, warning of their possible dire consequences on the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus. Police patrols had been specially deployed near churches and officers had been ordered to also be on the lookout for any large gatherings in the gardens, balconies and roofs.

Since March 12, Greece has registered 108 deaths from the new coronavirus. Unauthorized travel is punishable by a fine of 150 euros, which can be doubled if travel takes place outside the prefecture's borders.