The Limited Times

New York Governor Responds To Trump Attacks

4/17/2020, 6:55:15 PM

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo sounded the charge Friday against US President Donald Trump, accusing him of not wanting to help states break out of confinement, but wishing to pose as a national guide.

Read also: Containment extended until May 15 in New York State

" It does nothing " to support the gradual lifting of containment measures, he said. " He says: 'it is the choice of states, of governors' ". " All he does is walk at the head of the procession, " he was annoyed, " but it has nothing to do with the organization of the parade. The governors will reopen when they feel it is time. Andrew Cuomo was answering a question about a new series of tweets from the president targeting him. " Let's keep emotions, politics and ego out of it, " urged Andrew Cuomo to Donald Trump, who asked him via Twitter to " spend more time acting and less complaining " .

Since the beginning of the week, the two men have criticized each other through the media. Monday, Donald Trump challenged Andrew Cuomo the power to organize with other states in the region, the conditions of the exit from containment, before declaring, Thursday, that it was up to the states to decide on the subject . New York State remains the most affected by the virus in the United States, with another 630 deaths in the last 24 hours, down from the peaks recorded several times in recent days.

A total of 12,822 people died as a result of Covid-19 in New York State. As he has done systematically for several days, the governor explained that he expected the federal government to set up a program for the massive deployment of screening tests, which were still far from sufficient to envisage controlled deconfinement. " He said and said, 'I don't want to get involved in the tests,' " said Andrew Cuomo. It's too complicated and too difficult. I know. That's why we need your help. " He means: I've done enough, " he said. " But none of us has done enough, because it's not over. "