The Limited Times

Pascal Bruckner: "No to general nursing home for people over 65!"

4/17/2020, 6:28:09 PM

INTERVIEW - The writer, author of Une brève éternité. Philosophy of longevity (Grasset, 2019), reacts to the words of Ursula van der Leyen and Jean-François Delfraissy about the prolonged confinement of seniors.

LE FIGARO. - What does the prospect of prolonged confinement for the over 65s inspire in you?

Pascal BRUCKNER. -I would not want to transform myself into an oracle who pontificates on everything, a statue on the world after and the world before, but on this precise subject I answer categorically no: the reconfinement of the elderly until September and why not Christmas is unconstitutional and breaks the principle of equality. The constitution of an age class, guilty of being born in the middle of the 20th century, as a scapegoat for the nation is one of these absurd ideas designed to allay our dismay. In the first place, those who support it are themselves slumped, starting with Professor Delfraissy, almost 72 years old, hyperactive, and whom it is difficult to renounce his responsibilities. All of these preachers and lecturers are the best enemies of their own recommendations. What is it about? Of an old utilitarian fad which consists for the well-being of a population to be sacrificed

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