The Limited Times

Coronavirus: A.Latina, 90,000 infected

4/18/2020, 8:04:26 AM

The number of coronavirus-infected in Latin America reached 90,059 tonight, of which 4,247 died. This is what emerges from a statistic elaborated by ANSA on the situation existing in 34 Latin American countries and territories. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BUENOS AIRES, APRIL 18 - The number of infected coronaviruses in Latin America reached 90,059 tonight, of which 4,247 died. This is what emerges from an analysis developed by ANSA on the situation existing in 34 countries and Latin American territories. In just three days the region has gone from 80,120 infections and 3,364 deaths to today's budget. Brazil continues to be the first country in the region in terms of number of cases and deaths, registering over one third of Latin America's positives with 32.

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