The Limited Times

Coronavirus: over 100,000 deaths in Europe, it is the continent most affected by the pandemic

4/18/2020, 7:19:15 PM

In Spain Sanchez asks for the extension of the lockdown for another 15 days (ANSA)

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in over one hundred thousand deaths in Europe, according to the France Presse count . With a total of 100,501 deaths, Europe is the continent most affected by the pandemic, which has killed 157,163 people worldwide. Italy (23,227) and Spain (20,043) are the European countries with the highest number of victims, followed by France (19,323) and Great Britain (15,464). Worldwide, according to the AFP, there are 2,281,334 officially confirmed Covid-19 cases.

Spanish government president Pedro Sanchez has announced that he will call for a further extension of the 15-day lockdown until May 9 to counter the spread of the coronavirus. At the press conference, Sanchez stressed that further efforts are needed to "enter phase two of the confinement".

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