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Coronavirus, Pope: 'There is a worse virus: selfishness'

4/19/2020, 11:07:21 AM

Bergoglio: "'It is to say that everything will be fine if it is good for me. Mercy does not abandon those who remain behind'. (ANSA)

There is a virus worse than Covid-19: "indifferent selfishness". Pope Francis said so in the homily of the Mass at Santo Spirito in Sassia. "Mercy does not abandon those who are left behind. Now, while we are thinking of a slow and tiring recovery from the pandemic, this danger insinuates itself: to forget who is left behind. The risk is that we are hit by an even worse virus, that of indifferent selfishness . it is transmitted from the idea that life improves if it's better for me, everything will be fine if it goes well for me". The coronavirus pandemic may instead be an opportunity to" heal injustices "and" remove inequalities ". In the race to resume the post-emergency, the risk is in fact to" select people, discard the poor, immolate those who stands back on the altar of progress.

However, this pandemic reminds us - indicated the pontiff - that there are no differences and boundaries between those who suffer. We are all fragile, all the same, all precious ".

"We do not think only of our interests, of partisan interests. We take this test as an opportunity to prepare everyone's tomorrow, without discarding anyone, everyone - he reiterated -. Because without an overall view there will be no future for none ", underlined Pope Francis. This "is not ideology: it is Christianity". And he concluded with an appeal: "We use mercy to those who are weaker: only in this way will we rebuild a new world".

The response to the coronavirus pandemic must be characterized by solidarity . The Pope said so in the prayer of Regina Caeli, who in this liturgical time replaces the Angelus. "The response of Christians in the storms of life and history can only be mercy: compassionate love between us and towards everyone, especially towards those who suffer, those who struggle the most, those who are abandoned. No pietism, no welfare, but compassion, which comes from the heart, "said the pontiff from the church of Santo Spirito in Sassia. "Christian mercy also inspires just sharing between nations and their institutions, to face the current crisis in solidarity", concluded Pope Francis.