The Limited Times

Kurdistan: All parties must abide by the Astana agreements and other understandings to resolve the crisis in Syria

4/19/2020, 7:37:16 PM

Tehran-Sana, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Burdistan, Head of the Center for Strategic Studies and Research in the Iranian Army, d


Brigadier-General Ahmad Reza Bordistan, head of the Center for Strategic Studies and Research in the Iranian army, stressed the need for all parties, especially countries involved in the war on Syria, to adhere to the Astana agreements to resolve the crisis in Syria and restore security and stability to its entire territory.

And Kurdistan stated in an interview with Al-Alam news channel today that the situation in Syria is moving towards stability thanks to the Syrian people wrapping around their army and the reconstruction that Syria is witnessing in the efforts of its sons because of the sabotage of terrorism during the war that was launched against it for more than nine years.

And Kurdistan called on the countries that support terrorism and those involved in the war against Syria to abide by the agreements reached in Astana and understandings regarding the situation in Syria, especially with regard to some areas where there are terrorist organizations managed from abroad with the aim of restoring security and stability to the entire Syrian lands "by one hundred percent".

The Turkish regime continues to support its terrorist mercenaries, especially in Idlib, and its failure to adhere to the agreements and understandings reached on the situation there that affirm Syria’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, and to continue combating terrorism in it until its final elimination. Also, this regime’s forces and American forces continue to occupy parts of the territories Syrian.

And Kurdistan reiterated that the Iranian advisory presence in Syria came with an official request from its government, "and as long as the Syrian government requests us to stay, we will stay, and when you ask us to return to the homeland, we will return."