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The Incredible Story of the War Hero - Who Died From Corona | Israel today

4/19/2020, 8:25:16 AM

For a long time, Adkins and his friends fought nonstop in Vietnam for Vietnam: "He killed more than 135 enemy troops in the world

In the morning, the Vietcong surrounded the group of fighters. • For days, Adkins and his friends fought nonstop: "Adkins killed more than 135 enemy troops"

  • Adkins receives the Medal of Honor // Photo: Staff Sgt. Bernardo Fuller, U.S. Army

Sargent Major (Major Sergeant) 's last battle lasted 23 days. Last Friday, when he was 86, the Corona virus defeated Benny Adkins, a US special forces legend and the Medal of Honor, the highest honor in the United States Army, and he passed away. "Take care of our family," his family members wrote in a farewell tweet on Twitter.

The story of Adkins is almost unbelievable, a man who came from a small home in the state of Oklahoma and became much of a hero in the United States military. Adkins was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1956, when he was 22 and sent to Germany as a clan. The man, however, refused to remain in the junior and rear positions, returning to the base of the Fort Benning Special Units, where he attended the Airborne School and subsequently volunteered for the Special Forces. In 1961, he became a full-fledged fighter in the Green Berets unit and was sent to the Vietnam War.

"At about 2 a.m. on March 9, 1966, they hit us. Initially, they fired mortar shells at us and then mass attacks began," Adkins recalled. He, two officers and ten other soldiers were on patrol when at one point the Hoyatong fighters began attacking them.

For nearly four days, Adkins and his friends fought. His decoration states that the fight lasted 38 hours, in addition to 28 hours of pool and evasion. "While fighting mortars, rifles, machine guns, small arms and grenades. It is estimated that the Adkins Department Sergeant killed between 135 and 175 of the enemy fighters, absorbing another 18 wounds to his body."

Adkins refused to leave one man behind, and when he and his friends arrived at the evacuation site, with Adkins carrying an injured man on his back, the fighters discovered that the last helicopter had left. Despite the impossible odds, the platoon sergeant gathered the other survivors and steered them through the jungle, evading the enemy, for two more days, until they were safely rescued.

Adkins received the decoration in 2014 from President Barack Obama. "He displayed extraordinary heroism and selflessness." It is also included in the Pentagon Heroes' Hall. On March 26, he was hospitalized for breathing difficulties and was defined as a human patient in Corona. Last Friday he passed away, leaving five children and his wife Mary, who was 59 years old.

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