The Limited Times

Thousands at the "Black Flags" demonstration in Tel Aviv |

4/19/2020, 6:52:16 PM


Joint List Chairman Iman Odeh and Chairman Yad Futur Yair Lapid Namo at Rabin Square • Odeh: "We are against Netanyahu's way"

  • The rally in Rabin Square tonight \\ Photo: Coco

About 3,000 protesters arrived on Sunday (Sunday) for the "Black Flags" protest at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. Protesters rallied while maintaining a safe distance and titled "Save the Democracy". Psychiatrist Yoram Yuval said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "incited and slandered every opportunity, and took advantage of the Corona crisis to cause panic in the public." He added: "Netanyahu's art is intimidation and division." 

Yair Futim Chairman Yair Lapid, speaking at a rally in Rabin Square this evening and stinging his former partner Blue and White MK MK Benny Gantz: "Corruption is not fought on the inside. If you are inside, you are part of it. Here to say we never give in. Too many good people have already given in. Telling themselves stories says: 'We will fight from within.'

Lapid added: "This is how democrats die in the 21st century. They are not wiped out when tanks surpass parliament. They die on the inside because good people have been silent and weak people have surrendered. From the outside, everything looks exactly the same. "The ruler did not change. He looks the same, he sounds the same, but it is no longer a democracy. Bibi has turned the word democracy into the word of leftists. All our most basic values ​​are eroded and beaten on a daily basis."

Knesset Speaker MK Iman also gave a speech at the rally saying that they are not against Netanyahu but "against Netanyahu's way. Democracy is the rule of law, but it is also the end of the occupation, and the establishment of a true peace. There is no democracy with racial discrimination. Equality. And there is no democracy without social justice. "