The Limited Times

For the first time, the sick fall

4/20/2020, 4:32:18 PM

For the first time since the beginning of the emergency, the number of coronavirus positive at present is decreasing compared to the day before. To date there are a total of 108,237 patients in Italy while yesterday there were 108,257, therefore 20 more. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 20 - For the first time since the beginning of the emergency, the number of currently positive alcoronaviruses is decreasing compared to the day before. To date, 108,237 patients are overall in Italy while yesterday were 108,257, therefore 20 more. Yesterday the increase had been 486 compared to the previous day. The data was provided by the civil protection. The declining trend of intensive care units for coronavirus continues. To date they are 2,573, 62 less than yesterday. Of these, 901 are in Lombardy, 21 fewer than yesterday. Of the 108,237 patients overall, 24,906 are hospitalized with symptoms, 127 more than yesterday and 80,758 are those in home isolation.
    24,114 victims have risen after contracting the coronavirus in Italy, with an increase compared to yesterday by 454.
   Yesterday the increase had been 433.

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