The Limited Times

On the day of the Syrian prisoner, the prisoners of the Golan are more determined to pursue the struggle and liberate the land

4/21/2020, 9:37:17 PM

Quneitra-Sana Today, the memory of the Syrian prisoner in the prisons of the Israeli occupation and the sons of the Syrian Golan is passing


Today is the anniversary of the Syrian prisoner’s day in the prisons of the Israeli occupation, and the people of the occupied Syrian Golan are fighting the Corona virus and the occupation together, and they are more determined and determined to pursue the struggle in the face of the Israeli occupation.

The captive movement that started from the first moment of the occupation of the Golan in 1967 and less than 100 days later was the first prisoner Majed Abu Jabal to continue after that the march of the prisoners until this day in periods ranging between months until more than thirty years, the last of which was the dean of the Syrian prisoners Sidqi Al-Muqt who confirmed that The struggle of the people of the Golan continues in its arenas and behind bars until the liberation of every grain of dust from the clean soil of the Golan.

Al-Muqt stressed that the captive movement in the Golan is not a coincidence, but rather the product of a struggle that has been going on for decades and its continuation, an affirmation of the rejection of the Israeli occupation, which was also embodied in the occupation prisons with Arab and Palestinian prisoners in confronting prison administration, fighting empty bowel battles and dropping their projects against prisoners who pass today. Under the Corona pandemic in the most difficult circumstances.

For his part, the liberated prisoner, Asim Al-Wali, who spent 25 years in the occupation prisons, affirmed that the captive movement is proud because it is the compass of the struggle in the face of the occupation and the clear affirmation of his rejection, appreciating the role of the Syrian leadership in upholding the issue of the prisoners and winning them, the last of which was the honorable liberation of the prisoner, Sidqi Al-Muqt.

In turn, the liberated prisoner, Bisher Al-Muqt, 25 years in the occupation prisons, said that the captive movement had the honor to present the martyrs who rose as a result of deliberate medical negligence in the darkness of the occupation prisons, where the martyrs presented Hayel Hussein Abu Zaid and Sitan Nimr Al-Wali and Asad al-Wali who spent more than twenty years in prisons The Israeli occupation to form the integrated model of the Golanese struggle in all fields.

The freed prisoner Atta Farhat, who spent 4 years in the occupation prisons, said that the suffering of the prisoners does not stop with the end of the families, but rather what continues after the families from harassment in the fields of work and all aspects of daily life, despite the entry of more than two thousand Syrian citizens of the Golan, the occupation prisons except That all pressures did not deter the people of the occupied land from the continuation of the struggle until the liberation of every inch of the clean soil of the Golan.

It is mentioned that the captive movement was not confined to the young men, but all segments of society, including sheikhs, youths, women and children participated in it, so that the word Golan is one and not the Zionist occupation on the land of the Golan.