The Limited Times

The Funding at the Base: Scolding and Trial | Israel today

4/21/2020, 12:31:40 PM

Military News

After a video was released documenting the celebrations at the Nahal base where emergency regulations were violated, the IDF took steps against those involved

Disciplinary Steps Following the Nimuna Base Financing: In the IDF, photographs uploaded by soldiers a week ago from a Nahal brigade training base in Tel Arad were examined, in which a Mimuna celebration was documented that participants violated the restrictions in the health order to prevent the corona's spread. 

In the video in question, many participants are seen in Mimuna, including soldiers, as they dance densely and without masks or gloves.

An IDF spokesman said Tuesday that "after the incident was investigated, several disciplinary steps were taken against some of the base's officials." 

According to an IDF spokesman's announcement, in light of the findings, Division Commander 162 made a commanding comment to the Divisional Training Base commander "on the holding of the event not subject to its guidelines and results." 

Also, six officers and counterclaims involved in the incident were tried by the division commander for 10 days of probation for six months. "This is because there are no guidelines for preventing the spread of the Corona virus," the IDF explained. 

"Soldiers attending the event will be reprimanded for a commander's call to be delivered by the divisional training base commander, for their personal responsibility on the subject and for their educational activities," the statement said.

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