The Limited Times

The straw that will break Hamas?

4/21/2020, 11:55:11 PM

Eyal Sweet

What they did not do for more than 10 years of closure and ongoing military pressure did in less than a month of the Corona epidemic. Stressed and constantly threatened, and this time from an invisible enemy, Hamas is showing signs of distress, taking care to maintain complete peace along the border, and transmits an unprecedented willingness to reach a far-reaching settlement with Israel. 

Only 12 verified corona patients have been reported from the Gaza Strip in the mean time, and the condition of morbidity is apparently under control. However, as in neighboring Arab countries, it is difficult to rely on data and even more on health systems. Corona tests are being carried out by Israel, but Hamas is still responsible for the health of the population in Gaza, which has taken a number of steps such as establishing isolation facilities or restricting traffic on the streets. 

The fear of the spread of the Corona in Gaza is deeply troubling to Israel, which sees itself, and is also perceived in the world, as still responsible for Gaza; A reminder to anyone who thought or wanted to believe in 2005, that we did indeed break away from Gaza. But the fear of the virus is more troubling to Hamas, whose leaders are deeply concerned about the effects of the plague on their status among Gazans.

In the shadow of the Corona crisis, the world, including Arab and even Hamas' traditional allies, such as Qatar and Turkey, lost all interest in the Gaza Strip, and in any event, their ability to enlist and aid him became limited.

The economic crisis that broke out following the epidemic only exacerbated the plight in Gaza, as a final straw in the back of the Gaza camel. The criticism and protest over the rise in unemployment rates, the cost of living, the food shortage and more are directed to the ruler, Hamas. What the Israeli Arabs discovered, followed by the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, now also reveals Gaza residents, including Hamas leaders - if Israel does not have me - who I am.

The result is lowering the tone and lowering the flags, and basically waving the white flag hesitantly. Just a few weeks ago, before the outbreak of the crisis, Gaza Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar threatened with outrageous and outrageous arrogance that "he would make six million Israelis unable to breathe," forcing Israel to provide him with the ventilation equipment and other medical aid needed by Hamas. Now the tone has changed and the head of the Mass's political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, is already talking about the Corona as a common strategic threat facing everyone, and a historic crossroads to reach an agreement.

The first issue, of course, is the solution of restoring the bodies of the missing and released Israelis detained by Hamas. To that end, Hamas is concerned about the health of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons as a ladder to get off the high tree it climbed and conclude on this question with Israel, but it is clear that any solution to this question will open summaries on many other issues. In the meantime, the marches to the border fence were stopped and the missile drip was stopped at Israel.

The dilemma facing Israel is clear. On the one hand, there is a chance to solve a sensitive, public-first-rate humanitarian question, and later there is also the possibility of a regulation that will ensure peace for a while on the southern border.

On the other hand, Israel is drawn to increasing involvement in Gaza, first of all in Corona, but then there will also be other issues that may bring Israel back to Gaza and the responsibility of its residents. Thus, Israel may find itself maneuvering between Palestinian Authority A in Ramallah and Palestinian Authority B in Gaza.

For more views by Eyal Zisser

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