The Limited Times

Coronavirus: social campaign from Zuegg

4/22/2020, 1:55:17 PM

From Zuegg comes a social campaign where the protagonist is breakfast. The Veronese company has detected, in recent weeks, a strong increase in online sharing of the first meal of the day. © ANSA


(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 22 - A social campaign comes from Zuegg where the protagonist is breakfast. The Veronese company has seen a sharp increase in online sharing of the first meal of the day in recent weeks. This is how "the most attended breakfast in Italy" is born. A campaign, explains the company in a statement, "born with the aim of bringing good humor and optimism to our tables. With the # IlPostPiùImportanteDellaGiornata callto action, Zuegg invites Italians to post photos or videos of their breakfast accompanied by messages of solidarity, closeness and positivity.
   All the contents will be shared on the Instagram page of the brand, which will act as a sounding board for the voices and messages of hope of the Italians, telling each morning real stories of a difficult moment for everyone in which the time seems suspended ".
    The social campaign # IlPostPiùImportanteDellaGiornata, explain it 'company, "is part of a series of initiatives that the Zuegg Group is implementing to demonstrate its closeness to people and bring joy and good humor, as the campaign of the Skipper brand" Stay Thirsty, stay at home ": an initiative born with the intent to entertain and offer ideas to spend time at home. From Easter Monday in the company of Cristina D'Avena to online yoga lessons, there are many projects activated with the aim of coloring Cherischian days of being monotonous. Not just online. To face this emergency and to demonstrate its closeness to the community, Zuegg recently donated 250,000 euros to the health facilities of the Ulss 9 Scaligera diVerona company and distributed to civil protection operators over 250,000 fruit juices as a sign of solidarity and gratitude. In addition, the company has provided a special greeting for Easter in the territories where the company is present with its factories ". (ANSA).