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How to plant and harvest garlic in your home garden

4/22/2020, 1:46:17 PM

Would you like to add some garlic to your dishes? Then it may be worth growing in your own garden. We have tips on planting the bulbous plants.

Would you like to add some garlic to your dishes? Then it may be worth growing in your own garden. We have tips on planting the bulbous plants.

  • Garlic is used in the kitchen worldwide.
  • You can also grow the bulbous plant in your garden.
  • We have tips for you.

Some like a little more, others a little less: Nevertheless, garlic is indispensable in the kitchen. The bulbous plant originally comes from Asia and is mostly imported to Germany. Nevertheless, the cultivation of garlic works quite well with us. Try it out!

When is the right time to plant garlic?

You can plant garlic in both autumn and spring , as most of the toes are hardy. The period from September to October is suitable for planting in autumn. The garlic then has a few months to develop large tubers. But garlic can also be stuck into the ground in spring between mid-February and mid-April . Then the tubers become smaller, but the risk of the garlic being attacked by the garlic fly is also reduced.

When choosing the type of garlic, note that the cloves of garlic from the supermarket are not really suitable for growing in the garden. The garlic usually comes from warmer regions and is not used to our climate. However, the seeds from the construction or garden center are suitable for this.

Plant garlic: This location is suitable

Growing garlic is not complicated as long as you have a suitable location ready. It is important for the bulbous plant that the soil is permeable to avoid waterlogging. While frost can't harm your garlic, rain is a nuisance. Therefore, choose a loose and nutrient-rich soil with a high proportion of sand so that the water can drain off easily. But it shouldn't be too sandy: garlic has a shallow root and therefore dries out faster. The location should also be sunny and in a slightly windy place - so you prevent the garlic fly from becoming a danger.

Since garlic is relatively resistant to pests thanks to its smell, it is ideal as a mixed culture for strawberries *, tomatoes * and carrots *. However, you should grow close relatives such as leeks or onions as far away as possible because they are infected by the same pests.

Fittingly : If you forget this thing while growing vegetables, diseases and pests are at risk.

How do I plant garlic in the garden?

Garlic can be grown from broiled bulbs, which are removed from the garlic plants after flowering, or from garlic cloves. The bulblets form after plugging in the spring small round logs that you drag and summer out of the ground in a dry and shady place until the autumn. Then they are put into the ground again at a distance of ten to 15 centimeters. The rows should be 30 centimeters apart. The garlic then grows from the roundlings in the second year.

Cloves of garlic , on which a green shoot has formed, are stuck into the ground about three centimeters deep with the onion bottom down. Here you should also bring about 15 centimeters between your toes.

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How to take care of your garlic

As such , garlic is fairly easy to care for: if you prepare the soil with green manure or compost before plugging it in , the bulbous plant usually has enough nutrients. You should also use watering sparingly and avoid wetting the leaves with water.

If you plant your hardy garlic in autumn, you can cover it with straw or mulch for protection.

Plant garlic in a pot on the balcony - how it works

Would you prefer to grow garlic in a pot? No problem. You only need a sunny location, a plant pot and loose, nutrient-rich potting soil . The pot is first filled with a layer of potsherds or gravel, which should serve as drainage - that's why the planter should also have a drain hole. Then the pot is filled with vegetable soil, which you can enrich with sand to loosen it up.

Then about three cloves of garlic are grown per ten liters of pot volume. They are easily stuck into the ground and covered with a three centimeter layer of potting soil. Finally, the garlic in the pot is regularly watered, but waterlogging is avoided.

How to harvest garlic

The winter garlic can be harvested from July and the summer garlic from August. Wait until one to two thirds of the stem has withered . Then you can pull the bulbs out of the ground. The tubers should not be damaged as this will reduce their shelf life. Then you can braid the green of the bulbs and hang the garlic in a dark and cool place for storage.

Read also : How to plant beans in your garden.

These ten mistakes can ruin your garden

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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