The Limited Times

In Milan still high number of infections

4/22/2020, 4:52:17 PM

The number of new infected in the metropolitan city of Milan continues to be high: in total there are in fact 17,000 positives with an increase of 480 new cases, of which 161 in the city of Milan. Yesterday there had been 408 new cases, 246 in Milan. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, APRIL 22 - The number of new infected in the metropolitan city of Milan continues to be high: in fact there are 17,000 positives with an increase of 480 new cases, of which 161 in the city of Milan. Yesterday there were 408 new cases, 246 in Milan. These are the data disclosed by the Lombardy Region.
    There are 1,161 new cases across the region for a total of 69,092 positives, while 161 deaths amounted to a total of 12,740 deaths. The number of inpatients was down, with 817 (-34) in ICU and 9,692 (-113) in the other Covid wards. 13,502 swabs were performed which brings the total number to 290,699.
    In the other provinces, one hundred new positives are in Brescia (74 yesterday), 60 in Bergamo (50 yesterday) and 65 in Cremona (150 yesterday).