The Limited Times

Why a layoff tsunami is inevitable

4/22/2020, 6:16:29 PM

DECRYPTION - The purge that is preparing will be of unprecedented violence. The layoffs will be in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

Echoing his previous speeches, Édouard Philippe was once again very clear at his press conference last Sunday: the economic crisis, of unequaled brutality, "has only just begun" . The Prime Minister did not fail to recall that his objective, via all of the support measures deployed, "is to safeguard what can be today to allow tomorrow to revive what must to be ” . The head of government is indeed aware of the magnitude of the shock, especially in terms of job cuts, which is looming. And he knows, as one of his predecessors in 1999, Lionel Jospin, said when the Renault Vilvoorde plant closed, that "the State cannot do everything" ...

Read also: Bosses, ministers ... Are wage cuts "useful" or "symbolic"?

And even less today! Because if the partial unemployment system makes it possible to pass the course of the crisis, by suspending the employment contracts, it does not in any way guarantee their sustainability at the end of confinement and resumption of activity. Of course, the state will not retreat

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