The Limited Times

"Here With You": Finally Treat the Elderly | Israel today

4/23/2020, 2:52:24 PM

Not just in the context of medicine: here a daily strip, "Here With You," is dedicated to the older population. It was asked for TV opinion

Not just in the context of drugs and Holocaust survivors: here a daily strip dedicated to the elderly population has been raised.

The third age gets focus since the corona epidemic came up. Need to say, finally, getting focus, and it's a shame under those circumstances.

This is a population that is usually overlooked these days, and is only made headlines in the context of Holocaust survivors or economic hardship under the title "drugs or food." If there is something to add to the list of "things that should remain even after the Corona," it is the attitude of this growing population, including the media.

If in the morning broadcast hours were set as hours for housewives, today, when the older population has a higher life expectancy, you can spend more time on screen - ratings are not the story at all.

Here they took a first step in the direction, lifting a daily track with the submission of Rinat Spivak called "Here With You", all dedicated to the third age. There, they talked about their need for society, the artists' plight, nutritional advice and dating of the older population of the network. The program was signed by ten minutes of fitness for the elderly population with a coach behind a zoom screen of trainers - the landscape of the era.

Most interviews were conducted using the zoom or other video app, and there are evidently quality differences between them, which is less than flattering to interviewees whose faces are projected on the big screen in the studio.

"Here with you" is an obvious initiative in the face of the situation, in general. Let's hope the other channels follow - before we get older.

"Here With You", here 12:05, 11

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