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9 documentaries for children and adolescents that are also educational

4/23/2020, 11:19:13 PM

If the curriculum and creativity have started to weaken, one option is to use a little screen time to watch a documentary.

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(CNN) - As schools in various states will be closed for the rest of the academic year, millions of parents will face the role of being makeshift teachers at home for several weeks.

If the curriculum and creativity have started to weaken, one option is to use a little screen time to watch a documentary.

It may seem like the equivalent of a substitute teacher using a television for each class, but, as experts point out, there are no rules for home schooling during a pandemic. And in this way, you can do double work with a film that is also absorbing and educational.

Whether you're looking for something to spark interest in biology, or you need an instructional distraction to avoid a crisis on a long hiatus, here are nine places to start. We use Common Sense Media, an age-based movie review site for families, to provide general guidelines on age levels, but the guideline may vary at home.

English class


This 2002 documentary, which follows a group of students from diverse backgrounds working to win the 1999 Scripps National Spelling Bee, is still in existence nearly 20 years later. Come for the competitive drama and inspiration for "Scrabble"; stick with the heartfelt stories of eight charming and ambitious kids.

Try: ages 8+; Find it at: Amazon Prime; Google Play (rental)

'He Named Me Malala'

Malala Yousafzai's valiant fight for girls' education unfolds in this intimate 2015 documentary, which captures the moments before and after she was attacked by the Taliban for her outspoken stance in 2012. To squeeze in some readings alongside the observation, I could pair this film with Yousafzai's memoirs, "I Am Malala", and compare how his story unfolds in both media.

Try: ages 12+; Find it on: Netflix; Amazon Prime

History class


Speaking of inspiring women's stories, this 2017 National Geographic film vividly documents primatologist Jane Goodall's pioneering work, particularly her groundbreaking 1960s research among chimpanzees in Tanzania. Adults or children who would be discouraged by scenes of mating chimpanzees or occasional animal-to-animal violence could skip this one and instead consider National Geographic's recently released “Jane Goodall: The Hope”.

Try: ages 8+; Find it at: Hulu, Disney +

'Apollo 11'

In the summer of 1969, NASA's Apollo 11 space flight successfully landed and humans stepped on the Moon for the first time. Today, more than 50 years later, this CNN Films documentary recounts the breakthrough moment using newly discovered images from the time that brings new clarity to a family story.

Try: ages 5+; Find it on: Hulu

Science and math class

'Underwater Dreams'

Like “Spellbound”, this 2014 documentary is about a prestigious robotics competition, but also about immigration, tenacity, ingenuity and opportunity. The film follows a small, helpless team of undocumented high school students building an underwater robot and taking on MIT, en route defending immigration reform. Please note that the movie, like the trailer below, includes strong language.

Try: ages 10+; Find it at: Amazon Prime (rental)

'Chasing Coral'

If you want to stick with an underwater theme, this 2017 documentary is a visually stunning production on the dangers facing coral reefs, which are under threat due to climate change.

Try: ages 9+; Find it on: Netflix


You can choose from Disney's vast collection of nature documentaries, which also includes "Monkey Kingdom" about macaques in Sri Lanka and "Wings of Life", which focuses on bees, birds, bats and butterflies. "Elephant", which follows a herd through the Kalahari desert, is one of the most recent additions to the collection; it is also narrated by Meghan Markle.

Try: ages 6+; Find it at: Disney +

Social studies class


Released in 2010 - not to be confused with the equally lovable Netflix docuseries of the same name - this documentary chronicles a year of babies' lives in four different parts of the world: Mongolia, Namibia, Japan, and the United States. It is not just a poignant look at human development, but a window into the world at large, which might be especially welcome for families taking refuge in the home.

Try: ages 7+; Find it at: Starz; Amazon Prime (rental)


Parents probably think of the Elián González case as modern history, clearly recalling the story of the Cuban boy who was embroiled in an international custody battle just before the 2000 presidential election. But even the school's seniors High school students are too young to know how absorbing this story was at the time. With interests that had repercussions on foreign policy, relations between the United States and Cuba and American politics, this documentary from CNN Films recounts the dramatic saga from multiple points of view, including that of Elián himself.

Try: ages 12+; Find it on: CNNgo

If you need more options for your younger viewers, or can't seem to get your kids to participate in documentaries, here is a list of other kids' shows parents can feel good about.
