The Limited Times

Moto, Marquez: 'Short season? It would be complicated '

4/23/2020, 2:01:58 PM

'After the emergency, the first thing I will do is get back on the saddle' (ANSA)

"When we return to normal life, the first thing I will do is to ride a motorbike": the king of the motogp Marc Marquez does not deny himself. And in Skysport he confesses that he can't wait to get on the saddle and start competing again. But he admits that "it would be difficult to have a short season, because one would have to take risks, not being able to skip races, there would be no time to recover points. Honestly, I don't think about it right now, when we have a calendar I will do my strategies".
    For the world champion this forced stop period is however useful to recover after the battered shoulder operation, which made him suffer so much in the past season.
    Marquez and Honda's 2020 had started well with the tests, "they were very interesting. Initially in Malaysia we lost a little way, convinced that the problem was my shoulder. Every comment I made, like hearing the heavy bike in the corners, was affected by the shoulder. In Qatar, my conditions were better, but the problems were always the same. We tried the pieces of 2019, and analyzed the situation, to solve the problems and right on the last day we found the right way ".