The Limited Times

Pasta water in the sink? So you better not do that

4/23/2020, 3:52:18 PM

When you cook pasta, remember one thing: never just pour the pasta water into the drain. We'll tell you why.

When you cook pasta, remember one thing: never just pour the pasta water into the drain. We'll tell you why.

There is starch in pasta. This strength is released into the water when the pasta is boiled, so that the pasta water takes on a cloudy color. This creates something that can play a major role in your culinary skills: In some places it is called "liquid gold" - for World Noodles Day we will explain what it is all about.

Liquid gold: that's why pasta water helps you cook

The pasta water is often perceived as impure and is therefore usually thrown away with a clear conscience. But that's wrong! Because the cloudy liquid helps you to make your pasta sauce even more tasty.

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And this is how it works: The pasta water combines with your sauce. The starch changes the consistency of the pasta sauce because it combines pasta, oil and water into an inseparable mixture. The starch in your pasta water is a thickening agent - and a real delight for every pasta fan!

Read here : Thousands of fans: This ingenious trick will change your pasta life.

Pasta water for tasty pasta

So if you catch your pasta water and not just carelessly pour it into the drain, but mix some of it into your sauce, then you bind the liquids and oils together and create a creamy, viscous and tasty sauce that adheres perfectly to the pasta . By the way: For this reason, you should not deter your pasta even after it has been cooked.

Tip : If you accidentally pour your pasta water into the drain for routine reasons, other tricks are recommended for binding sauces : For example, the water from canned black beans makes your sauce wonderfully creamy.

The best thing is, before you pour the pasta, always scoop out a little pasta water once or twice with a ladle and pour it into a bowl or cup. Then you can tip the pasta into the pasta strainer above the outflow as usual. Good Appetite!

By the way: pasta water is also an excellent cleaning agent.

Video: This is how the Italians cook their pasta

Also interesting : The three biggest pasta sins that everyone has ever committed.

Caution: You should never warm up these foods

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Rubric list image: © picture alliance / Marijan Murat / dpa