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Signs: Litzman will leave Ministry of Health | Israel today

4/23/2020, 5:55:12 PM


Sources in the subject told Israel Today that the Minister of Health may leave office in return for the Ministry of Housing and Bennett will take his place • In the Litzman environment deny

  • Health Minister Jacob Litzman // Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman may relinquish the health file and request the housing file instead, sources said on Thursday evening on the issue of "Israel Today". In the vicinity of Litzman, they were content with a slight denial, saying "there is no such decision" and said "such talk and rumors are not today." If Litzman wants to leave the Ministry of Health, it is a particularly dramatic decision during a period of struggle against the Corona epidemic, with Litzman himself criticizing his conduct quite a bit.

A possible departure from Litzman causes a wave of scenarios in the political system, including the possibility that Naphtali Bennett will receive the health file, a portfolio that has become leading and significant in recent times, especially in light of the accolades Bennett received for his role from the Defense Ministry in the Corona fight.

During the negotiations, blue-and-white people demanded the health file, but Litzman vehemently rejected the possibility of leaving and this is therefore a surprising decision. Yesterday Litzman met with his spiritual patron, Admor Magur, where the possibility of leaving the office rose. One estimate says that the attacks suffered by Litzman in recent months are decisive in favor of leaving the Ministry of Health.

In the meantime, the tension within the right-wing bloc between the Likud and the right-wing people continues, due to their integration into the coalition. On Wednesday evening, a lengthy conversation was held between Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett, the first half of the conversation dealt with Corona and the second half on the issue of joining the government.

During the conversation, no specific proposals were raised, Bennett expressed concern to the prime minister that their ideologically important things, such as holding the justice portfolio and judicial reform, were passed on to blue-white, the economy was also passed on to Amir Peretz. And in this way they have no ability to influence the government. Bennett even told the prime minister that as he repeatedly says "I was not born a minister" and raised the possibility that his party would sit in opposition. A possibility that says to the right that the rightist bloc that kept Netanyahu and might keep him in the future will fall apart. Netanyahu has made it clear that he wants the right to be part of the government and sees them as ideological partners for making significant moves like applying sovereignty.

Although the meeting between the two was in good spirits, the parties know that this is an initial meeting and for the next two weeks things are likely to change. 

Ayelet Shaked said that "there are important things to us and we have nothing to go into government to be excessively stingy. She said changes could not be made in the judicial system and even in the economy handed over to Amir Peretz there is concern about" capitalist piggy bank policy. There is an economic crisis, it will not be possible to make changes when Nissenkorn and Peretz control the crisis.

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