The Limited Times

The Senate will hear Roch-Olivier Maistre and Delphine Ernotte

4/23/2020, 6:43:29 PM

The president of the CSA and the president of France Televisions will be questioned respectively Tuesday and next Thursday.

After the Minister of Culture Franck Riester last week, the Senate is preparing to hear the President of the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) and the President of France Télévisions next week.

Read also: Press and audiovisual: the government is preparing aid measures

Roch-Olivier Maistre must participate in a videoconference Tuesday April 28 at 3 p.m. Delphine Ernotte will do the same exercise two days later, Thursday April 30 at 3 p.m. Six senators from the Culture commission will conduct these hearings remotely: Catherine Morin-Dessailly (LR), Jean-Pierre Leleux (LR), Hervé Gattolin (LREM), David Assouline (PS), Claude Malhuret (Independent) and finally Jean-Raymond Hugonet (LR).

"Inventory the sectors that have suffered the most from the crisis"

Contacted, Jean-Pierre Leleux confirms the holding of these two exchanges, organized behind closed doors, and which will be an opportunity to come back to several burning files in the media sector. "It is not a question of working on the examination of the project of lo i which is moving away from day by day but to inventory the sectors which have suffered the most from the health crisis on the economic and budgetary plan as well as social, " said the senator.

The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, has indeed asked all the committees to measure the impact, on the various sectors of activity, of the coronavirus pandemic. "The objective is to suggest ways out of the crisis by the end of May, " says Jean-Pierre Leleux. Franck Riester's hearing was to shed light on the government's directions. But, "the minister does not seem to have much room for maneuver because we remain vague on most subjects," laments the senator.

The question of maintaining France 4 should be addressed

Among the measures that could allow the sector to regain cruising speed more quickly, that of the tax credit on advertising expenses which would help the audiovisual sector and the press. “Of course, the state budget is punctured on all sides. But it would be a good provision to help restart the economy, " considers the senator. A measure in the form of a boost that could be transient.

The question of maintaining France 4 should also be raised in the conversation. “Franck Riester opened a door. But he didn't really get involved. We are campaigning for France 4 to be maintained at least until 2022, while the entire population can have access to very high speed, ” insists Jean-Pierre Leleux.

Read also: France 4 turns TV into a classroom

Within the next few weeks, the Senate should schedule hearings for Radio France and leaders of the private audiovisual sector in order to have a more complete panel. Once formulated, budgetary proposals could incorporate amending finance bills.