The Limited Times

Venezuelan unlocking

4/23/2020, 10:28:24 PM

The situation created by the pandemic should become a common starting point to end the country's political and institutional fracture.

The tremendous impact of the situation caused by the coronavirus should become a common starting point to resolve the political and institutional crisis that Venezuela has suffered for years. If the pandemic casts a bleak picture of the social welfare prospects of politically and economically stable societies, its effects can be devastating in a politically fractured and economically bankrupt society like Venezuela. This common struggle must bring together all the actors in conflict on the Venezuelan scene and allow a stagnant situation to be unblocked and without any sign of resolution.

The paralysis of the economy and the social health emergency - coupled in the particular Venezuelan case with the collapse of the oil price - is unsustainable for 80% of the population that either lives daily or depends on remittances sent by their families from abroad or simply have no recourse. In this context, it is essential that the regime and the opposition approach positions. Firstly, for the sake of social cohesion that allows an effective fight against the pandemic and, secondly, to end an institutional conflict that is weighing down the future of Venezuela.

It is, therefore, explainable that Nicolás Maduro considers the postponement of the legislative elections, scheduled for December this year, depending on how events unfold. It is happening in other countries. But this measure should be agreed with the opposition and also serve to hold elections with equality between the candidates, transparency in the process and international supervision.

Less explicable from the point of view of this desirable normalization is that the exceptional measures adopted by the Government during the quarantine have served as a cover for the arrest of members of the team of the president in charge Juan Guaidó, journalists, human rights activists or citizens who protested in public about the precariousness of the situation. These are events that should end as soon as possible with the release of all detainees.

The covid-19 is a scourge, but paradoxically it can become an unexpected opportunity for the Maduro regime and the democratic opposition to find common ground to channel the reinstatement of democracy. Ways such as the formation of an emergency Executive, proposed by Guaidó, or the activation of political mediation by Norway should be taken into account by the Government. These are steps that, without a doubt, constitute concrete proposals on which to start a dialogue.

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