The Limited Times

Maturandi ready for Phase 3, they think about tests and competitions

4/24/2020, 5:40:24 PM

Young people have clear ideas about the future, less interested in the exam (ANSA)

The debate on how the high school exams will take place this year does not seem to interest the students who will have to face them. They look beyond, to the future. This was underlined by the "Youth and Orientation" Observatory promoted by and AssOrienta - an association that brings together Italian guidance counselors - who, by interviewing 10,000 pupils from the last three years of high school, wanted to understand the idea that young people have about life after school.
    For some years there has been no real selection at the High school exam, with a ratio practically 1 to 1 between admitted and promoted. On the contrary, at the entrance threshold to the university there is a fight to the death where for one who makes it there are several who must give up: 1 to 6 the place-candidate ratio for the Medicine test in 2019, but for some healthcare professions the proportion can easily double. The same applies to the training and work paths offered by the various armed or police forces. Graduates are now aware of this, so they don't wait until the spotlight is turned off on the night before the exams to start preparing for the "third time", the tertiary training course.
    Where, in fact, the chosen post-diploma perspective provides for a barrier, it is already preparing for test 1, maturing out of 2.
    As well as the timing of the starting point of the preparation, we are told of the greater attachment of students to the 'after' compared to the diploma. Among the high school graduates, a quarter (25%) of those who will encounter tests and competitions on their way have started taking measurements with tests for at least three months, about 1 in 10 for over a year. But there are also those who carry on with their work well in advance: uniting the boys of the last three years of high school is 1 in 3 to plan the future from afar if they plan to face a selection. A condition that will probably be shared by many children who will soon appear on the adult world. At the moment, 75% do not see alternatives to university (which in many cases provides for a 'filtering' at the entrance). Also noteworthy is the 5% that has targeted a competition for entry into the Armed Forces or Police; projecting this figure on the total of the students of the last three years of high school translates into a potential pool of 70,000 aspirants, driven not so much by job stability (first motivation for 12%) as by the values ​​that embody the professions in uniform (52% ). And the others? About 1 in 10 declares that they are inclined to attempt direct access to the world of work, 4% are oriented towards professionalising paths (Its, Afam, etc.) while 3% would even like to take a sabbatical.
    It is on orientation that much more could be done at school. In fact, 100 days after the 2020 high school diploma, when the research was administered, the graduates who had already decided with certainty their post-diploma path were 54%. If all the students of the last three years are considered, the percentage drops to 40%. For others it is a temporary choice or even a clean slate. The students, in fact, complain of a lack of orientation activities: for 60% of them, their institution has not done enough on this front.