The Limited Times

Luca Zingaretti, my 'Liberation' on Rai Storia

4/24/2020, 3:04:30 PM

"April 25th for me? It is what it should be for everyone: a day when we regained our freedoms. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 24 - "April 25 for me? It is what it should be for everyone: a day in which we have appropriated our freedoms. In which, thanks to the commitment of the allied forces and the great participation of the Italian Resistance, we have I resumed our beautiful Italy.
   This is why we celebrate. And it is a pity that it is not a day felt by everyone. Even if, in my opinion, he does not even know why he does not celebrate it. " Word of LucaZingaretti, for once not in the role of actor and director, as director for a day of TV programming. Rai Cultura entrusted him with the programming keys of the Rai Storia channel for "Domenica Con ...", from 9.00 am to midnight on April 26, the day after the 65th anniversary of the Liberation.
   "We are today a bit like then having to rebuild the economy of a country, having to reinvent a way to get together, to start living again - says the actor, who will still be on Rai1 on Monday1 as Commissioner Montalbano - it seemed to me good luck to show pictures of that post'45 ". At the time it was the war conflict, today an epidemic that has mugged lives and economics. "If our grandparents did it - he says - we will do it too".
   Among his more particular choices, a little seen "Dove staZazà", with a sparkling Gabriella Ferri and a funny Enrico Montesano that Rai chose to record in color in 1973. But also a rarity of Eduardo De Filippo in the rehearsal room, who gives suggestions and invites his actors to act according to his indications. Before dinner, "Comizi d'amore" by Pier Paolo Pasolini from 1965, in which the director investigates sex and taboo in our country, while at about 8.00 pm Gypsy returns to the director in the documentary "Suso: conversations with Margheritad'Amico". Early evening at the cinema with "I Magliari" by FrancescoRosi of 19 59. (ANSA).