The Limited Times

Milan launches plan for restart

4/24/2020, 3:34:53 PM

It's called 'Milan 2020. Adaptation strategy' the plan launched by the Municipality of Milan, open to citizens' contributions, to manage the restart. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, APRIL 24 - The plan launched by the Municipality of Milan is called 'Milan 2020. Adaptation strategy' and is open to citizens' contributions to manage the restart. The document was presented by some councilors of the council during a streaming press conference. The general plan on a reorganization of the times and spaces of the city: from the redefinition of the use of roads and public spaces, to the increase in travel by bicycle and on foot, to the rediscovery of the size of the neighborhood to live the city in a different way, without the danger of creating assemblies. The plan for the restart of Milan is already available online on the Municipality website and starting from April 27 there will be the possibility for citizens to present contributions and observations, it is a document open to the whole city. Among the proposals, a speed limit of 30 per hour introduced widely in the city and spaces for tables, also replacing parking spaces or on the side of the road.