The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: from Cristina Kirchner to Marcelo Tinelli, the most unusual complaints that reached 147

4/25/2020, 10:11:22 PM

In a month the phone that the City Government enabled received more than 15,000 calls.

Lucia Salinas

04/25/2020 - 18:58

  • Clarí
  • Politics

"I want to denounce that the Lady does not wear masks." The call was made to Line 147 of the government of the City of Buenos Aires. When the other side was asked who the "Lady" was referring to , the explanation surprised: " Cristina Kirchner , she does not wear masks." It was not the only case that aroused between smiles and glances among those who make up the call center where complaints are reported for breach of quarantine as well as the mandatory use of face masks. Marcelo Tinelli was not exempt. But the list is broader as the accusations made are diverse.

The space is wide. Computers, preventively separated and more than normal from each other. There, with six-hour shifts in the La Boca neighborhood, as in Once, 400 operators work , who distribute themselves in six-hour shifts per day. The time slot also responds to health policies implemented in the midst of the pandemic by Covid19.

In those call centers, Line 147 runs by the City Government, along with a third party that operates remotely. During the 24 hours, telephone complaints about alleged breaches of the mandatory quarantine are received there. Since its inception a month ago , more than 15,400 complaints were made.

The first four days, the complaints exceeded 1,100 per day. That number had a marked decrease when the quarantine entered its second phase. So, the daily calls began to be 500 daily, at some point there was a peak of 823 complaints to line 147, but that number began to flatten: between March 26 and 31, the calls went from 447 to 212. But last week the number rose again.

The social, preventive and compulsory isolation is dated until April 27, but it is already known that the Casa Rosada is analyzing a new extension. The numbers of the last week had another behavior: the last six days the number of calls almost doubled, and they returned to exceed 320 per day.

The calls exposing possible breakdowns of the neighbors has been as diverse as striking. On March 20, a complaint was registered that placed Marcelo Tinelli at the center of the breach "for breaking the quarantine." The debate was extensive and the television host defended himself on rare occasions, but the issue was registered not only in the public debate, but also on line 147 of the City.

There was also room for failed complaints : people denouncing their neighbors because they had returned from a trip without respecting the mandatory quarantine , but it turned out that those building colleagues had never traveled.

At the risk of not complying with the provisions of the national government, there were even "self-complaints". People who had to go shopping at the supermarket and dialed 147 to say what they were going to do. "My husband is going out to buy wine," was heard on the other end of the phone on one of the calls. 

With the passing of days, another measure of the City Government added complaints to the Line: the lack of the obligatory mask for those who circulate in Buenos Aires. From April 15 to date, 221 complaints have been accumulated for said non-compliance, and 21 of them by neighbors who used public transport.

On April 17, 147 received another particular complaint. The same was against Cristina Kirchner. 24 hours had passed since he went to the Quinta de Olivos to accompany President Alberto Fernández and the governors, during the announcement by the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, about the proposal to the bondholders.

The telephone accusation against the former President was because "he never wore a mask" . Everything was limited to the call. Like other cases, they only add to the anecdote. Yes there are thousands of other calls that are referred to justice to be investigated. 

In this line of telephone complaints, which depends on the Office of Citizen Attention and Community Management, cases that fall within the jurisdiction of CABA are dealt with, and a single Prosecutor's Office was established to deal with these cases, with personnel from the City Police who He goes out into the street to take preventive measures "so that people who fail to comply do not continue to do so," official sources explained to Clarín.

The procedure is as follows: Line 147 takes the calls, forwards them to the Undersecretary of Justice of the GCBA and the latter interacts with the Judicial Power of the Nation (Attorney General of the Nation), sending them those complaints that, due to the data provided, allow the investigation to begin.

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