The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: 111 new cases confirmed and there are already more than 4,000 infected

4/27/2020, 11:29:23 PM

Eighty-two of the new infected are concentrated in the Province and City of Buenos Aires.

04/27/2020 - 20:10

  • Clarí
  • Society

A new report from the Nation's Ministry of Health reported another 11 cases of coronavirus and 5 deaths  in the last 24 hours. With these numbers, there are already 4,003 infected and 197 deceased throughout the country. 

In the morning communication of the portfolio on positive cases, it had been indicated that 23.1% were imported, 43.3% due to close contact with confirmed cases, 21.3% due to community circulation and the rest were in epidemiological investigation.

49.8% corresponded to women and 50.2% to men, while the main affected age groups of the cases registered until Monday morning corresponded to people between 20 and 59 years old, the average age being 43 years.

While on Saturday President Alberto Fernández announced the extension of the mandatory quarantine until May 10, in the City of Buenos Aires they foresee that strict isolation will continue at least until the end of that month, sources from the Buenos Aires government confirmed to Clarín .

Fernández had announced the possibility of one-hour outings per day for residents, but from the large urban centers (Buenos Aires City and Province, Córdoba and Santa Fe) they denied such a chance. The president clarified that "there was no conflict" with the provincial governments that decided not to enable the permit.

"The only thing they have (the governors) is a vocation to take care of their people and that is why they have me by their side; they have accompanied me in all the measures and they are the ones who know the territory together with the mayors", so "I understand what what they say and I accompany them, we have no difference, "he stressed in a radio interview. "I should have clarified that the governors had the possibility of regulating the exit. The truth, it passed me," he explained.

The next step, although the new deadline of May 10 has already ended, would be some flexibility in private construction and in professionals or independent workers, from lawyers to plumbers.

Regarding the economic blow caused by the mandatory stop, the Argentine Federation of Professional Councils of Economic Sciences requested the extension for "at least 90 days" within the period established for the presentation of monthly and annual sworn statements 2019, given that some companies are unable to do so and to avoid legal risks.

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