The Limited Times

Bastian Yotta presents new girlfriend - Nasty reactions - "Looks like 14-year-olds!"

4/29/2020, 7:17:25 PM

Bastian Yotta is newly in love. The self-made millionaire presents his new flame to the world on Instagram - and thus triggers a discussion. 

Bastian Yotta is newly in love. The self-made millionaire presents his new flame to the world on Instagram - and thus triggers a discussion. 

Los Angeles - In addition to his muscle packs, Bastian Yotta is best known for his short-lived relationships, preferably with blondes. Now the self-made millionaire is freshly in love again. But this time a lot is different. 

Bastian Yotta: self-made millionaire is freshly in love - this is his new girlfriend

Until three months ago, the American of choice was in love with on-off girlfriend Maria, a Russian model. Even then he preferred to share his happiness and suffering on Instagram. So it's nothing new that the 42-year-old is using the platform again this time to present his new flame to the world. 

With several romantic kiss pictures, his latest post leaves no doubt: Yotta is clearly forgiven. "I hadn't planned it. I was not ready. And then it just happened! ❤️ “, the reality star writes under the love pictures. His new one also seems to have been hard hit. "Love you so much!", She comments promptly. 

Check out this post on Instagram

I hadn't planned it. I was not ready. And then it just happened! ❤️ @mornourish ❤️

A post shared by © ️ (@yotta_university) on Sep 26, 2019 at 9:46 am PDT

Back in solid hands: Bastian Yotta with his new girlfriend

But who is the new anYotta side? One thing is certain: far too little is known about the attractive brunette. Your Instagram account is private. The only thing she reveals to the public there is her name and her profession: her name is Marisol O. and she claims to be a nutritionist. 

Heavily in love: Yotta's new girlfriend is a nutritionist

What is striking: At least visually, Marisol differs from its predecessors. She is neither blonde nor does she appear to have visited a cosmetic surgeon. Instead, Yotta's new face is hardly made up, a natural type.

With the introduction of his new girlfriend, Yotta started a discussion: about the age difference between couples. After his love post, the American of choice was compared by some to singer Michael Wendler. The pop singer has been playing with his 28-year-old girlfriend Laura for some time. "She looks like a 14-year-old !!", writes one user. "How old is she? In the last photo she looks extremely young. Good luck, ”says another. 

Bastian Yotta's new girlfriend triggers discussion 

Nonetheless, there are also many who definitely allow Yotta his new happiness. Because most of the comments are positive. "What great news, I wish you all the best and I am so happy that you are happy," says one user. "So very different from the others ... Mega pretty ... of course ... comes across very sympathetically ... Congratulations ... and she can cook too, hope you have now found your lid," writes another .

Marisol's name is Bastian Yotta's new girlfriend

As has now become known, the discussion about the supposedly enormous age difference seems to be unfounded. Other media reports that Marisol is 28 years old. “Hello, I'm Marisol, a nutritionist and I love cooking. I'm originally from Mexico and I'm 28 years old, ”quotes as the attractive brunette.

So good conditions for the nutrition-conscious American of choice. As is well known, love also goes through the stomach.

With GNTM winner Stefanie Giesinger, some fans were surprised - in one of her photos, the followers "missed" something.