The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Pescia reopens flower market

4/29/2020, 3:02:31 PM

An important sign of restart that wants to be encouraging but also a tangible element of recovery for a sector, the nursery gardening sector, heavily affected by this crisis due to lockouts for coronaviruses. © ANSA


(ANSA) - PESCIA (PISTOIA), APRIL 29 - An important sign of departure that wants to be an encouragement but also a tangible element of recovery for a sector, that of nursery gardening, heavily affected by this crisis due to locks for coronavirus. So, explains a press release, from tomorrow morning the sales audience of the Pescia flower market, ilMefit, will open, which, for the first time in 92 years of history, has been closed for over two months.
    It starts with two openings, on Thursdays and Mondays, from 5 to 8 in the morning, with the observance of a precise disciplinary of safety that has been sent to the competent bodies for approval and the green light, also for what concerns the configuration of the controls and emergency vehicles.
    "This is a very important moment for the whole nursery sector - comments Oreste Giurlani, mayor of Pescia, who wanted this novelty - this first experiment could already expand by one day, with openings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, already in anticipation of the mom.
   Along with the rest of the damage suffered so far by many aziendedel sector that I hope will come in time ragionevolmentebrevi state, the reopening of Mefit is a passaggiodeterminante for a recovery that affects at least 400 famigliedi producers and an even wider supply chain. the City and ilMefit they take their responsibilities, but the purpose is very important for Pescia ". Very important, it is underlined, is the presence of the volunteers for the maintenance of the distances and the respect of all the safety rules that have been launched to contain the infection by Coronavirus. (HANDLE).

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