The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: they give domicile to an official imprisoned for the Monte massacre

4/29/2020, 10:47:25 PM

Four of the detainees asked to access the benefit, alluding to the Cassation ruling. They only granted it to the former Secretary of Security.

Mariano Gaik Aldrovandi

04/29/2020 - 19:14

  • Clarí
  • Police

The wave of home prisons and releases protected under the coronavirus pandemic reached prisoners accused of all kinds of crimes in the Province of Buenos Aires. Even the ones that caused the most shock in recent times.

Within this universe of requests for benefits are some of those detained by the San Miguel del Monte massacre, which occurred almost a year ago. And who was favored was the former Secretary of Security of the Commune Claudio "Toro" Martínez (57), accused of cover-up. 

The episode had as fatal victims a young man and three boys: Aníbal Suárez (22), Camila López (13), Danilo Sansone (13) and Gonzalo Domínguez (14). Rocío Quagliarello (14), the only survivor, also suffered serious injuries.

The young people were walking aboard the Fiat 147 driven by Aníbal when they began to be chased by three patrolmen of the Buenos Aires Police. The sequence lasted for at least 3 kilometers until officers began shooting at the car. It ended when the car in which the victims were driving hit the trailer of a truck.

For the "Monte massacre" there are 23 accused. Nine of them are detained with preventive detention . Eight are agents and the remaining is retired Commissioner Martínez, former Secretary of Security.

Martinez is prosecuted for " aggravated cover-up " and " ideological falsehood ." They accuse him, among other things, of wanting to hide the videos from the municipal monitoring center that showed how the persecution was.

The fatal victims of the Monte massacre.

The official is one of the four detainees who asked for the preventive detention to be reduced under the pandemic and the situation of overcrowding in the prisons, Clarín learned .

In his case, he alluded to a pre-existing health problem. The Court of Guarantees granted the measure until the mandatory quarantine ends. At that time you will need to return to jail.

The other three defendants who requested the domicile, invoking the massive habeas corpus of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Cassation, were the deputy inspector José Alfredo Domínguez, the deputy commissioner Julio Franco Micucci and the first lieutenant Héctor Enrique "Pipi" Ángel. These were denied .

Martínez is the same official who denied that the parents of the victims had been shot during the persecution when, in reality, one of the videos shows a police officer shooting with half his body outside the police car.

" I asked him about the versions of the shots. He hung his head and said no, ”Susana Ríos, Gonzalo Domínguez's mother, who had been shot in the buttock, recalled in an interview.

Gonzalo Domínguez (14), victim of the massacre, with his mother, Susana Ríos.

Clarín asked Ríos about granting the domiciliary to the former municipal secretary and Gonzalo's mother replied: "The prosecutor (Lisandro Damonte) talked to me about this. It is not something that disturbs my head. It will be controlled I am not too concerned because I know that he will return again and will have to pay with an exemplary sentence , as appropriate, for having been part of the cover-up and everything that happened, "said the woman.

"If he lied to me, what did he want to cover up at the time? What was so important that he wanted to cover it up?" Asked Ríos.

The cause of San Miguel de Monte is in the closing stage of the investigation and the next step is the request for elevation to trial.

One of the marches that relatives of the Monte victims made together with neighbors in demand of Justice.

In this case, Captain Rubén Alberto García is in preventive detention for "aggravated homicide"; officers Manuel Monreal, Leonardo Daniel Ecilape and Mariano Alejandro Ibáñez. These four policemen are the ones that were in the patrol cars that chased and shot at the Fiat 147.

While Micucci, Domínguez, Ángel, Martínez, the sub-deputy officer Melina Bianco and the inspector officer José Manuel Durán are being prosecuted and detained for " aggravated cover-up " and " ideological falsehood ". They accuse them of cleaning the crime scene, hiding evidence and adulterating the procedural minutes to cover up what really happened that morning.

Sub-helper officer Nadia Genaro is the only one who was released from prison in the case but is still charged with the same crimes as her colleagues. And in a similar situation are the police officers Juan Manuel Gutiérrez and Cristian Alberto Righero, who received the " lack of merit " and were released. They are still under investigation.

The other eleven defendants in the case are also accused of covering up.