The Limited Times

Deconfinement: Édouard Philippe hands over to local elected officials

4/29/2020, 6:50:25 PM

The Prime Minister explained to the mayors his plan. The organization of transport and the reopening of schools are at the heart of concerns.

Make way for practical work. After presenting the general framework of his deconfinement plan to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister met with representatives of local elected officials Wednesday morning by videoconference. It is now a matter of locally applying the measures presented to the deputies to adapt them to the terrain.

Read also: The mayor-prefect couple maneuvering to deconfinate

" There are still a lot of things to put in place, " said one to Matignon. And a lot of answers to bring to local elected officials, as the deconfinement plan covers different issues. Édouard Philippe was also surrounded by a dozen ministers, all directly or indirectly concerned with the implementation of the plan: education, transport, security, local authorities, etc. “ The tone was rather positive. Elected officials understand the Prime Minister's speech of truth, which they prefer to a somewhat hazy speech ”, judge Gérard Collomb, the mayor of Lyon and deputy president of urban France.

The question of the organization of transport

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