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Deconfinement: the new horizon still blurred for journeys less than 100 kilometers from home

4/29/2020, 7:02:42 PM

Édouard Philippe announced Tuesday that it will be possible to move freely up to 100 kilometers from home, but many

For the French, this will be one of the main changes that will take place on May 11. From this date, if the sanitary situation allows, there will be no more documents to fill out to stretch your legs or do your shopping. "It will again be possible to move freely, without certification," Édouard Philippe announced to the deputies on Tuesday.

However, this newfound freedom will not be complete. As the Prime Minister said, travel more than 100 kilometers from home will be possible "only for compelling, family or business reasons." It will then be necessary to bring a certificate whose "details are in instruction concerning the establishment", indicates Matignon, adding simply that "the police, who will receive instructions from their hierarchy, will judge with rigor and the necessary humanity ”.

This is not the only question that remains unresolved around these 100 kilometers. What exactly does this distance cover? Is it the distance actually traveled on foot or by car, or is it a simple radius? "No details have so far been provided as to the distance as the crow flies or the mileage of the vehicles, " said the national police, who we arrested via their chat tool. Asked about this, Matignon had still not responded to our requests this Wednesday at the end of the day.

VIDEO. Deconfinement: no trips more than 100 km from home without certificate

In the meantime, the question seems to have the gift of fascinating the French. At the end of the morning, the National Institute of Geographic and Forestry Research (IGN) reported on its Twitter account ongoing slowdowns on the Géoportail and Géoservices, without however giving the cause.

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To get an idea of ​​what a distance of 100 km as the crow flies represents, we suggest you discover in infographics the trips that would be theoretically allowed for people who would live in three big cities: Paris, Marseille and Lyon. From the capital, it would be possible to go to Versailles, Melun or Fontainebleau, but not to Rouen or Orléans.

In addition, you can also use our simulator below. To find out how far you can go, just enter your address and the circle within which you can move will be displayed. You can also click here to access it.

The thorny case of travel between regions

Simple at first glance, this 100 kilometer rule will not be the only criterion to take into account when determining whether a trip is authorized or not. Édouard Philippe pointed out to the National Assembly, the government wants to reduce travel between departments and regions "solely for compelling professional or family reasons, for obvious reasons of limiting the circulation of the virus".

"If we want to prevent the circulation of the virus from accelerating in previously protected areas, we will have to limit this possibility of traveling [between regions and departments], at least at first," continued the chief. of the government. The matter is expected to be part of a bill to be considered by the Council of Ministers on Saturday before being submitted to the Senate and the National Assembly next week.

Wednesday, the government gave a clarification on the page of its site devoted to its "strategy of deconfinement". "You will be able, while respecting the rules of social distancing, to move freely in your region, except for trips more than 100 km from your home."

Same sanction as for non-compliance with confinement?

Does this mean that a Vendée inhabitant will have the right to go without having to justify himself in Loire-Atlantique, another department of Pays de la Loire, but not in Charente-Maritime, neighboring department forming part of the Nouvelle region -Aquitaine? Impossible at the moment to have the heart of it on the side of the government.

If this were to be the case, such provisions would not be without creating puzzles and absurd situations, since a person who would shop a few kilometers from his home, moving from one region to another from the start containment, could no longer shop in the same place from May 11.

The question of the sanctions provided for people who will not respect the new rules also arises. Again, radio silence. Currently, remember that non-compliance with confinement is punishable by a fine of 135 euros, which can be increased to 375 euros if it is not paid within the time limit. In the event of recidivism within fifteen days, this fine increases to 200 euros and is increased to 450 euros in the event of late payment.