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Deconfinement: will the filming of TV programs resume on May 11?

4/29/2020, 9:05:25 PM

Now completely stopped, entertainment producers prepare to resume filming and start blocking teams

"I need a translation, and quickly!" Because I didn't understand anything… ”, blew Tuesday evening, disappointed, a producer. The small world of television waited impatiently to know Edouard Philippe's plan on deconfinement. But, after the Prime Minister's speech at the National Assembly, the vagueness persists at Plaine Saint-Denis, where most of the programs are recorded.

Since the start of confinement, the channels have concentrated on their information offer, and the public service has organized itself to offer educational programs. But the entire television entertainment industry is at a standstill. The producers all want to resume filming "as quickly as possible". For this, they are preparing the implementation of drastic health rules: light technical teams, disinfection of studios, total absence of the public, even a modification of the rules of certain programs. Which is easy for a small production like "Numbers and Letters". Less for a big barnum like "Mask Singer" or "Incroyable talent". And a hell of a puzzle for a series filmed by the sea…

"There is a ban on assembly, but it is clear that, like all economic sectors, we have the right to resume our activities from Monday, May 11. However, there are health problems to be resolved, and also insurance problems that refuse to take on the risks linked to the coronavirus, ”says an influential producer. This was recalled on Wednesday afternoon during a meeting on the Zoom social network with Franck Riester and around thirty audiovisual and cinema professionals. “The Minister of Culture did not go into details, and remained very vague. He spoke of recovery but without saying when… ”regrets a participant.

Nagui and Hanouna have already planned everything

In the meantime, producers are preparing to resume, just in case. They are reserving studios and blocking technical teams who will be very busy with the accumulation of filming at the start of summer. Quit canceling everything at the last moment. TV games, which went into replay mode, should be the first to resume. Nagui has scheduled filming of "Don't forget the words" and "Everyone wants to take their place" in the days following the end of containment. Ditto for "Everyone has their say", moderated by Olivier Minne and Sidonie Bonnec.

Cyril Hanouna should also launch a game on C8, instead of "Don't touch my post" which he only plans to return in September. On the magazine side, the team of “I love you etc. By Daphne Bürki plans to meet again on May 11. TF1, France 2 and M6 hope to put in a box before the summer break "Mask Singer", presented by Camille Combal, "Fort Boyard" with Olivier Minne and "Incroyable Talent" with David Ginola. Initially scheduled for May 11, the Molières ceremony could finally take place at the end of June, in a version very different from that proposed in previous years.

The filming in France of the soap opera France 3 "Plus belle la vie" was stopped on March 16. LP / Guillaume Georges  

But the most serious concerns concern the production of series and television films. "I don't see how we can shoot," blows the owner of a specialized company. This Wednesday evening, in Les Echos, Thomas Anargyros, the president of the USPA (Union of Audiovisual Production), calls in particular for the establishment of a guarantee fund to replace insurance. "What should I do if a shoot is stopped because an actor is sick or a member of the team is affected?" […] This fund would make it possible to face the financial consequences of a judgment? ", He explains. One of the many technical measures that condition the return of filming ...

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