The Limited Times

Fed leaves rates unchanged between 0 and 0.25%

4/29/2020, 6:29:31 PM

They will remain stuck at current levels until confidence is given that the economy has overcome coronavirus (ANSA)

The Fed leaves interest rates unchanged in a fork between 0 and 0.25%. Coronavirus poses major risks in the medium term and the Fed is committed to using all the tools at its disposal for the economy. Interest rates will remain stable at current levels until the Fed has confidence that the economy will have passed the coronavirus.

Piazza Affari closes sharply. The Ftse Mib marks a + 2.21% at 18.067 points, returning to the levels of the first week of March. The European stock exchanges closed sharply, ending trading on the highs of the day in the wake of expectations of new support measures by the Fed and the ECB and encouraging results in the treatment of coronavirus with the drug remdesivir. Paris jumped 2.22% to 4.671 points, Frankfurt 2.89% to 11.107 points and London 2.77% to 6.123 points. The pan-European S & P600 index, up 1.7%, has been updating highs since last March 9th. The BTP-Bund spread closed up 225 basis points from 219 in yesterday's close. The yield on the Italian 10-year security is 1.75%.