The Limited Times

Litzman: "I was visited because of the Strimal" Israel today

4/29/2020, 9:44:25 PM


Outgoing Health Minister Rejects Criticism: "Some People Can't Swallow Haredi in Such a Position" • "I Thought There Were Needs to Be Needed" • Full Interview

After the bombing that he launched earlier this week in his desire to leave the Ministry of Health in the shadow of the Corona epidemic, Health Minister Jacob Litzman removes the gloves, and in an interview published tomorrow in Shabbat magazine, he talks candidly about the virus, criticism against him and the achievements he managed to bring in a previously gray and neglected office .

Photo: Ministry of Health

Litzman says the anti-corona firm's policy was a "sometimes worse" policy, "I thought there were unnecessary aggravations. There were stages where I thought I had gone too far. For example, I didn't think there were going to be 10,000 dead, as professionals said. At first, according to how the data runs. I said my opinion in closed discussions. "

Litzman claims that the criticism against him is because he is ultra-Orthodox. He said, "There are anti-Semites who saw me with Strimal, and that's what bothered them." He adds that "the newspapers did not address the content of what I said. Is there anyone who wrote that I was the first to block entry into the country? No one. It didn't interest them. Ask them why I came with Strimel. Strimel wearing on Saturday and Saturday night. Why? That's why it should be ridiculed? "

Litzman was asked if he thought he had made mistakes around the Corona. "Every person makes mistakes," the outgoing Minister of Health responded, "I might have to take a different approach to Bnei Brak. Maybe there was no need for closures. I might have to close only affected neighborhoods, not the entire city, as they did in Jerusalem and as they do today. Beit Shemesh. "

In his view, "the entire city should not have been closed. The anti-Semitism that came about because of the terrible closure. They said about the ultra-Orthodox that they were polluted, included all the ultra-Orthodox. If we closed a neighborhood, it would pass like Jerusalem. There was no such anti-Semitism against the ultra-Orthodox."

Litzman argues that "the criticism against me was against this background as well. People cannot swallow Haredi in such a position, it doesn't go down their throats."

Full Article - Tomorrow in the "Shabbat" Supplement