The Limited Times

Obligation to wear a mask: If you violate this rule, you will be fined in these federal states

4/29/2020, 4:38:31 PM

Corona mask requirements apply in 15 federal states - the last federal state will follow suit on April 29. Anyone who does not wear a mask must face a fine - but not in every federal state.

Corona mask requirements apply in 15 federal states - the last federal state will follow suit on April 29. Anyone who does not wear a mask must face a fine - but not in every federal state.

  • From this week , a mask requirement applies in all federal states .
  • In some federal states, fines can be imposed for violations .
  • Bavaria is the strictest. There are not penalties in all federal states.

Mask requirement in Germany - fines not in all federal states

In many places of public life  is  wearing masks * in Germany now mandatory: Since April 27, the new rule is applicable in 15 states, the last country follows on April 29, Schleswig-Holstein. In some countries the obligation was already in place, Saxony was the pioneer. A scarf or cloth is enough to protect the mouth and nose.

In most of the federal states, the following now applies: in local public transport and when shopping , citizens must wear mouth and nose protection * . In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, there are weekly markets, stops, train stations, taxis, medical practices, post offices, banks and petrol stations - in Berlin, on the other hand, the obligation only applies to buses and trains.

In some states, punishments can result in hefty fines - elsewhere you only rely on social pressure. The goal is the same: to press the corona infection rate * even if people go out the door again. Because the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 is transmitted from person to person by droplet infection.

These fines are threatened if the mask requirement is violated:

Bavaria: fine for violations of up to 5000 euros for shop operators

Bavaria * is particularly strict  : if there is no mouth-nose protection in buses, trains and shops , 150 euros will be charged. For store owners who do not ensure that their wearing masks staff, are even 5,000 euros fine  provided.

Baden-Württemberg: Fines planned only from May 4

In Baden-Württemberg , the mask requirement applies to local public transport and shopping. Fines still have to be decided. (as of April 27) quotes a spokesman for the Ministry of Health: "In a one-week transition phase, no penalties are provided so that everyone can adapt to the new practice. As of May 4,  2020, it is planned to impose a fine, if a violation of the mask requirement is found. "

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Berlin: No penalty for violation of the obligation to wear a mask

In Berlin , where the obligation to carry on public transport applies, but not in retail, there is initially no penalty for violations. The federal capital primarily relies on insight, according to (as of April 24). The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said that the Berliners had previously adhered to the rules applicable in the Corona crisis in a disciplined manner.

Brandenburg: First of all, people don't have to expect fines

In all of Brandenburg , where the duty has been in bus, train, tram and shops since April 27 (and previously in Potsdam), according to, the aim of the measure is to go hand in hand with Berlin: Whoever does not wear the masks , do not have to expect a fine at first, reports the portal.

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Bremen: First of all, no fine should be imposed there

The state government of Bremen does not want to impose a fine on violations, at least initially, reported 

Saxony-Anhalt: No entry without a mask

According to the report, the situation is somewhat different in Saxony-Anhalt : Admittedly, there are no fines for violations. However, everyone without a mouth-to-nose covering would have to expect that they would not be admitted to shops and would be excluded from trips by bus and train, as Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne is quoted as saying.

Schleswig-Holstein: No fine for violation of the obligation to wear a mask

In Schleswig-Holstein, where the regulation is to apply from April 29, mouth and nose protection is also compulsory when shopping and on public transport. According to the state government, a fine for violations is not provided, as reported by

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North Rhine-Westphalia: Local authorities should decide first

North Rhine-Westphalia: NRW initially wants to leave the handling to the municipalities with their regulatory offices, the report said. The law enforcement officers should therefore first speak to the people and ask them to wear masks. "Only if this is not followed can a fine be imposed," quotes health minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU). However, he strongly believes that in a few days it will develop "so that the masks at the facilities concerned are part of the familiar image".

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 25 euros fine possible

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , a fine of 25 euros is now possible, as Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) is quoted in the report.

Hessen: 50 euros fine for repeat offenders

And in Hesse they  want to impose repeated fines of 50 euros, according to the state chancellery in Wiesbaden.

Hamburg: fine only for shopkeepers

In Hamburg , where the protective mask requirement applies to buses, trains, shops and weekly markets, there is initially no provision for a fine, reports and quotes Justice Senator Till Steffen (Greens): "We want to look at this first, whether that is necessary at all. " According to, the situation is different for shop owners who let people without a mask into the shop: According to the health authority, they would face fines of between 500 and 1,000 euros.

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Saarland: No penalties yet

In Saarland , no fine should be imposed according to, meanwhile, first - neither for citizens nor for shopkeepers, they do the insight of the people.

Lower Saxony: No fine for the time being

In Lower Saxony, too, there is initially no penalty for violations, according to

Rhineland-Palatinate - € 10 fine from May 4th

What about the fines in Rhineland-Palatinate ? According to the ministry, a warning should be given in the first week, and a warning fee of 10 euros may then be due from the second week, reports - and the report goes on to say: "If employees do not open their mouths and shoulders covered, this should be punished with a fine of 250 euros for the operators - provided there are no other protective measures such as partitions in the store. "

Saxony: No fine planned

Saxony  was the first federal state to wear a mask: anyone who travels by bus and train or enters shops has had to wear a protective mask since April 20. "A fine for non-observance is not planned for the time being. The bid has so far been largely met," reports (as of April 27).

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Thuringia: No fine if the mask requirement is violated

According to health minister Heike Werner (left), there is no fine in Thuringia if people are found in public transport or in trade without a mask, also reports. Controls should also be dispensed with in Thuringia, the report said. The city of Jena had previously introduced the rule with masks.

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Sources:,, dpa


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