The Limited Times

Police prepare for May Day without processions

4/29/2020, 6:56:25 PM

"Confined but mobilized", the unions meet on social networks and on balconies.

For the first time since its creation in 1947, the traditional Labor Day takes this year the singular form of a May Day without processions. Health crisis obliges, France will remain as "vitrified" and its streets are intended to remain almost deserted since no trade union organization deposited notice of demonstration. " We start from the principle that confinement and the minimum of interaction between people are one of the best ways to avoid the spread of this virus, so we try to be consistent ", argued, as of Wednesday, Eric Beynel, word from the Union Syndicale Solidaires.

Read also: A Labor Day this year to the test of containment

Like other power stations, including the CGT and the FSU, signatories of a joint call, the watchword is: " Confined but always mobilized!" " Ignoring the house arrest of the French, the idea is to bring the claim to life and chant slogans on every imaginable mode. As such, social networks are essential as the vector par excellence. Analysts in the police are convinced: “The Internet is replacing the street. Since the beginning of the epidemic, physical activity has given way to a multiplication of digital and dematerialized actions. Where there were rallies at 10 a.m. Place de la République or at the Bastille, a simple hashtag on Twitter is used as a watchword. Between the calls to take pictures with a sign " the day after, I want ", those who invite their members to participate in the #constructons movement tomorrow, the demands will be numerous.

But the police will ensure compliance with the law. " On the internet as in the street, freedom of expression remains the principle as long as offenses are not committed, " said the controller general Michel Lavaud, spokesman for the national police, who warns that " threats, public insults will be liable to a sanction, just like contempt for which an offender can incur from six months to a year of imprisonment. "

"Infringement of freedom of expression"

As part of the implementation of a " reputation watch ", Internet users are invited to civic behavior by reporting to the Pharos platform, somewhat like a witness who would dial 17, the criminal content detected during their browsing networks. In charge of the experts of the central directorate of the PJ (DCPJ), which processes some 200,000 reports per year, to cross-check the information before entering, if necessary, an investigative service. If no subversive conduct has been detected, the intelligence services are also on alert. Attention will be all the stronger as the atmosphere of cities and villages promises to be turbulent.

Advocating one day after “ ecological, social and inclusive ”, the non-violent action movement ANV cop21, a champion of civil disobedience, invites to a “ visual and sound manifestation from balconies and windows ” and affirms: “ C is the time to take out your banners and make your voices heard! In the union concert, many called for " organizing songs collectively " and singing Bella ciao in particular . Others also imagine casserole concerts. But there again, the police will be on the lookout for slippages. " There will be no particular device but the deployment of banners exceeding the freedom of political and social expression will be noted by the police and, if necessary, transmitted to the public prosecutor's office which will decide on the follow-up to be given" , assures Michel Lavaud, which describes " a very classic and transparent operation, where the accused persons can also provide their explanations " .

On all fronts, the police warned via their Twitter account that "because of the Covid-19 health crisis, the traditional sale of lily of the valley is under control"

Unlike a street demonstration, where the troublemakers are difficult to apprehend when they are drowning in the crowd, the display of opinions on the balcony allows almost immediate identification. Thus, in Toulouse, a young woman was placed in police custody and her roommates summoned to the Toulouse police station for " contempt of any person holding public authority " after posting a banner " Macronavirus, when will it end? On their house. While banners and signs held by hundreds of anonymous people have flourished since the discovery of this affair, associations and unions have stepped up to castigate an " attack on freedom of expression ".

On all fronts, the police warned, via their Twitter account, that " because of the Covid-19 health crisis, the traditional sale of lily of the valley is under control ". The bell flower will be prohibited on public roads, where fines will be levied for "selling on the street". Only florists and authorized stores will be able to offer it for purchase, on the occasion of this May 1st, like no other.