The Limited Times

Shortly before Merkel's Corona Summit: RKI corrects the number of reproductions significantly - will further loosening now follow?

4/29/2020, 7:02:47 PM

How to continue in the Corona crisis? The federal-state consultations with Chancellor Merkel could involve new regulations. Now the RKI has corrected the number of reproductions.

How to continue in the Corona crisis? The federal-state consultations with Chancellor Merkel could involve new regulations. Now the RKI has corrected the number of reproductions.

  • The federal government and the states advise on the return from the corona restrictions .
  • On April 30, there will be a video link with Chancellor Merkel and the country heads.
  • Here is our guide to coronavirus reporting *, the current number of cases in Germany as a map * and. 

Update 29 April, 20:48: The  Robert Koch Institute reported shortly before the summit meeting of Angela Merkel a clear shift of with federal and state governments on Thursday  reproduction number * R . According to the RKI estimates from Wednesday, the infection rate with the coronavirus in Germany is now 0.75 (data status April 29, 00:00). 

That means 10 infected people infect 7.5 people on average. The number of new infections thus drops slightly. Since Wednesday, the RKI has been using a so-called four-day average for its estimate of the current new infections and thus also the number of reproductions. A three-day mean was previously used.

At the beginning of March, the key figure was three, on April 8 1.3, in the past few days 0.9 to 1 - each with a certain fluctuation range. The RKI has repeatedly emphasized that in order to let the epidemic subside, this number of reproductions must be below 1. The number of new infections per day is also important. 

According to RKI President Lothar Wieler on Tuesday, around 2000 new infections were recorded every day in the past week, significantly less than in previous weeks. Since the beginning of the week, including Wednesday, the numbers have been a little over 1000 per day. At the beginning of the week there is still a delay in reporting. According to Wieler, there are still many outbreaks in hospitals and nursing homes.

Before Merkel summit: Lindner calls for further corona loosening at bars, shops, schools - "If ..."

Update, April 29, 8:17 p.m .: Before the discussions between the federal and state governments on the Corona crisis on Thursday, FDP chief Christian  Lindner  demanded further easing . "This is also the most important question of securing jobs and businesses," said Lindner on Wednesday evening in a ZDF - "special".

"If there are hygiene concepts - protective masks, disinfection, sufficient distance between people - then bars, shops, schools - then social life as a whole must be able to be opened again," said the politician. Lindner did not share the concern that the virus could return with full force if the loosening was too fast. Health protection can be organized more intelligently so that social and economic life is possible.

Update, April 29, 7:40 p.m .:  Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) advises the heads of state on Thursday on how to proceed in the corona crisis. Far-reaching decisions - for example on further easing of the measures - are not to be expected from the consultations via video. Among other things, the question is to what extent church services or other religious events can take place nationwide. A result is expected around 4:30 p.m.

Corona easing: Three countries are advancing with a three-stage plan for leisure, tourism and gastronomy

Update, April 29, 5:10 p.m .: With a three-stage plan, North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony want to gradually reduce the corona-related restrictions for tourism, gastronomy and the hotel industrydrive back. Accordingly, the first restrictions should be relaxed from the beginning of May.

The opening will be initiated with tourist outdoor offers such as zoos, amusement parks and climbing gardens, as the economics and tourism ministers of the three countries announced on Wednesday. In the second phase, restaurants and with limited use vacation apartments and hotels are to follow. Later, overnight tourism should be possible again without restrictions.

The countries want to bring this concept to the conference of economic ministers. "The states will determine on their own responsibility the date on which the individual phases begin," says a joint statement.

As the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" reported, the first easing step of Figures 7 . In May , the second phase was followed by restaurants and with limited use apartments and hotels on May 11 and then overnight tourism without restrictions on May 25 . In Hanover it was said that the actual schedule is subject to the infection happening.

With all measures it should be noted that "the health protection of the citizens has priority". Therefore, the concept envisages compliance with strict distance regulations, hygiene requirements and registration requirements. It is also a prerequisite that the epidemiological situation continues to stabilize.


Menschenleer is a beer garden with stacked benches and tables in Munich.

© dpa / Sven Hoppe

Corona crisis: Laschet dampens expectations of federal-state consultations

First report of April 29, 2020: Berlin - Will the restrictions * be eased  at the next federal-state consultations on the corona crisis ? Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will again join the prime ministers of the federal states on Thursday (April 30). 

There are indications of new regulations: Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) also believes that a mask requirement * is advisable for long-distance transport by Deutsche Bahn - in local transport, it has been applicable in almost all federal states since Monday. There is still no green light for holiday trips * this summer. 

Laschet on the early Corona loosening: "Only when we have valid numbers"

But like Merkel and other country heads, North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) is dampening expectations of the upcoming federal-state discussion on the further corona strategy *. 

"We agreed to decide on further measures only when we have valid figures on how the first openings have had an effect," Laschet told the newspapers of the Funke media group . "As these figures are not yet available on Thursday, we will be able to talk about possible larger joint opening steps on May 6 at the earliest."


Meeting of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia

© dpa / Federico Gambarini

Corona loosening in the federal states - Laschet (SPD) for unity

However, regular coordination and balancing remain important. "The Federal Government has only just pointed out that there can be a regionally different approach due to the different levels of concern," explained Laschet. 

But he also continues to promote unity: “When it comes to the key issues in dealing with the pandemic, we need unity in the country. A common approach ensures commitment and reliability, ”emphasized the head of government of NRW *.

Federal-state consultations: Merkel does not expect any loosening of the corona

Previously, the federal government had repeatedly made it clear that further relaxation of the corona requirements * is not yet to be expected during the discussion . Merkel * will again join the prime ministers of the federal states on Thursday. 

"On April 30th there will be important preparatory consultations and very limited decisions," government spokesman Steffen Seibert said on Monday after a meeting of the Corona cabinet in Berlin.

The Turkish lira has fallen to its lowest level since 2018. Due to the corona crisis, the central banks have repeatedly adjusted the key interest rate. Erdogan's government is reaching its limits. Further easing in the Corona crisis is under discussion. A plan has now been drawn up for opening the daycare center in Germany. *

dpa / AFP / frs

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

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