The Limited Times

Tracking app, data deleted by December 31st

4/29/2020, 3:44:31 PM

A platform will be set up at the Ministry of Health in coordination with Civil Protection, the ISS and public and private health structures (ANSA)

The use of the app for the tracking of coronavirus and related data will cease by December 31, 2020, as well as the platform set up at the Ministry of Health in coordination with Civil Protection, ISS and public and private health facilities "for the further requirements necessary for the tracing of contacts and for the adoption of related public health and care measures ". According to what ANSA learns, the draft of a decree law on justice expected in the CDM in the coming hours.

The data relating to the close contacts of the tracking app will be kept "also in users' mobile devices, for the period strictly necessary for processing". The app will be voluntary and geolocation in favor of "proximity tracking" is excluded. Failure to use the app, finally "does not entail any limitation or consequence with regard to the exercise of the fundamental rights of the subjects concerned and respect is ensured of the principle of equal treatment ". Finally, the platform of the Ministry of Health is "created exclusively with infrastructures located on the national territory and managed by public administrations or bodies or under public control".

The Minister of Innovation Paola Pisano confirms that Italy is choosing a "decentralized" solution. The tracking system "will have to take into account the evolution of international systems still not fully defined today, in particular the models announced by Apple and Google" he said in a hearing in the Senate, explaining that we are working on an app "unique to national level and interoperable also at European level ".