The Limited Times

Vissani also delivers restaurant keys

4/29/2020, 3:23:31 PM

Gianfranco Vissani also handed over, in a symbolic way, the keys of his Baschi restaurant to the mayor of the Umbrian municipality, Damiano Bernardini, as part of the national mobilization 'Risorgiamo Italia'. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BASCHI (TERNI), APRIL 29 - Gianfranco Vissani also handed over, in a symbolic way, the keys of his Baschi restaurant to the mayor of the Umbrian municipality, Damiano Bernardini, as part of the national mobilization 'Risorgiamo Italia'. With him a delegation of seven local operators. "This virusa is sometimes less dangerous than the indifference of those who do not want to understand the national and local needs of an entire sector on their knees" wrote Vissani and the other restaurateurs in a letter delivered to the mayor. "We know that the government has no money, but it must listen to us - said Vissani in a video post on social media in support of Risorgiamo Italia -. We must lick our wounds, we must be concrete". "We are broken - he adds - of this situation, masks or nonmasks, please, we are more objective. We will have to relate a little to the prices, make a less sophisticated cuisine? Let's wait, let's see, meanwhile, give a positive sign to our Italy".