The Limited Times

Watch: Ben Zini shakes his head and cries Israel today

4/29/2020, 3:18:00 PM

The star, who separated from company Taylor Malkov, released a new clip describing the relationship and separation • "I wish the ego could be put on a local"

The star, who separated from company Taylor Malkov, released a new clip describing the relationship and separation • "I wish you could put your ego aside"

"Don't Believe It's Over": Ben Zini releases a new song on Wednesday called "Part of Me," in which he finally confirms his and his partner's breakup for the past three years, Taylor Malakov. The two put together a successful and popular duo in the children's world, released a slew of couples clips that underlie the love story of the two and recently even released a short film called "Just Sing" to YouTube, in which they play a young couple who fall in love with high school. 

Now Zinnie is first releasing a clip alone, without a mop. In a song called "Part of You," he tells of their acquaintance from the time they met, goes on to become acquainted with the family and negates moments throughout their relationship, until the breakup that came recently. During the clip, Zinny appears to be shedding tears, and the clip was sealed as he shaved his hair in front of the camera - in what should probably be a new beginning for him, or some sort of mourning for what was. 

Zinny's and Malkov's relationship has been scandalous from the first moment - due to the age gap between the two: She was 15 and then 20 years old. In the filming of the "VIP conductor couple", which was interrupted in the middle, and after the break, as mentioned, the breakup came as well.

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