The Limited Times

'A flag for Bergamo' on newsstands tomorrow with L'Eco

4/30/2020, 2:14:36 PM

Symbol of rebirth, 100 thousand copies, as a gift with the newspaper (ANSA)

 The Eco di Bergamo gives its readers, today and tomorrow, the 'We love Bergamo' flag . Printed in 100 thousand copies, you can pick it up from the newsstand by purchasing the newspaper or, for subscribers to the print edition, receive it together with the copy of the newspaper.

   The initiative was conceived by the most important Bergamo newspaper, which marks 140 years since its foundation tomorrow, and wants to testify the ability of the Bergamo people to react to difficulties and become a sign of union for a community that, hard hit by the pandemic of COVID-19, shares the same tenacious soul and the same desire to get up. The effigy of the flag was chosen by the Bergamo citizens themselves, thanks to a survey launched on the pages of the newspaper and on the site, which was attended by 20 thousand people. The winner was the message 'We love Bergamo' with a large red heart overlooking the skyline of the Upper Town, and the yellow and red colors symbol of the city. But also with the Italian flag to witness the embrace received by Bergamo from all over the nation.

   The invitation of L'Eco di Bergamo to all Bergamo is to put this flag on the balconies, hang it on the windows and gates as a symbol of courage and rebirth and then send a photo to the newspaper to document this desire to restart. A copy of the flag was also sent to the mayors of the 243 municipalities in the province with an invitation to display it next to the flag.

In addition, a reason has been available for a few days for the personalization of the Facebook profile that incorporates the flag graphics and the slogan 'We love Bergamo', so that the message can become viral even outside the province. 'We wanted to offer a symbol to our readers - explains Massimo Cincera, president of Sesaab, the publishing company of L'Eco di Bergamo - to them who have never come close to our newspaper as in these terrible weeks. The first of May Echo will turn 140 and it seemed right to accompany this anniversary with a sign of gratitude to all the people who follow and support us'.

Intesa Sanpaolo contributed to the success of the project. It financed the printing of the effigy. 'We wanted to immediately grasp the very high symbolic value of this initiative and we think that our role in supporting the country and the most affected territories must be the main one. The flag becomes a bit the symbol of the restart of the city and the rebirth of the whole country, "says Tito Nocentini, head of the Lombardy regional directorate of Intesa Sanpaolo .

Local partner of the Uniacque spa initiative who wanted to support the newspaper in this gesture of proximity to the territory . 'The operation A flag for Bergamo has a symbolic value because it reinforces the spirit of cohesion of our people around the values ​​that most characterize them and that have been seen to emerge strongly in recent weeks', says Paolo Franco, president of the company. The 45 kilometers of fabric necessary for the production of the 100 thousand flags were donated by a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from Como, coordinated by the newspaper La Provincia (which is part of the same editorial group of L'Eco di Bergamo) and close to the province of Bergamo . Thanks to their interest, the printing plant was identified in Lipomo, in the province of Como, available for the production, finishing and packaging of flags in complete safety.