The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Hope signs monitoring criteria decree

4/30/2020, 8:11:25 PM

Monitoring ability; diagnostic assessment, investigation and contact management skills; transmission stability and maintenance of health services. These are the three indicators with threshold and alert values ​​that should be checked in phase 2 (ANSA)

 The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed the ministerial decree defining the criteria relating to health risk monitoring activities for the evolution of the epidemiological situation. The ministry announced it.

Monitoring ability; diagnostic assessment, investigation and contact management skills; transmission stability and maintenance of health services. These are the three indicators with threshold and alert values ​​that will have to be monitored in phase 2. This is established by the decree on the criteria relating to health risk monitoring activities for the evolution of the epidemiological situation signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.

Fundamental for the monitoring of the epidemic are also the degree of reactivity and "stability of the health system, to ensure the identification and management of contacts, the monitoring of quarantenates, an adequate and timely execution of swabs for the diagnostic assessment of cases" . This was stated in the decree signed by Minister Speranza.